HMC Manual Reference Pages  - UPDVIOS (1)


updvios - update VIOS


See Also


updvios -r {disk | nfs | sftp | usb | ibmwebsite} -m managed-system
{-p VIOS-name | --id VIOS-ID} [-n image-name] [-f files]
[-h host-name] [-u user-ID] [--passwd password] [-k SSH-private-key]
[-d directory] [-l mount-location] [--options "mount-command-options"]
[--device device-name] [--restart] [--save] [--help]


updvios updates a Virtual I/O Server (VIOS).


-r The repository that contains the VIOS update image. Valid values are disk for the Hardware Management Console (HMC) hard disk, nfs for an NFS file system, sftp for a secure FTP (SFTP) server, usb for a USB data storage device, and ibmwebsite for the IBM Fix Central website.
-m The name of the managed system which has the VIOS to update. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name.
-p The name of the VIOS to update.

You must either use this option to specify the name of the VIOS or use the --id option to specify the ID of the VIOS. The -p and --id options are mutually exclusive.

--id The ID of the VIOS to update.

You must either use this option to specify the ID of the VIOS or use the -p option to specify the name of the VIOS. The --id and -p options are mutually exclusive.

-n The name of the VIOS update image.

When the VIOS update image is on the HMC hard disk or the IBM Fix Central website, this option is required to specify the name of the image to use for the update.

When the VIOS update image is on a remote server or a USB data storage device and the --save option is specified, this option is required to specify the name used to save the image to the HMC hard disk.

-f When the VIOS update image is on a remote server, use this option to specify the names of the files in the update image if all of the files in the directory are not part of the update image. Multiple file names must be comma separated. If this option is omitted, all files in the directory will be used for the update.

If the directory contains more than one ISO file, this option must be specified with the name of only one ISO file.

This option is only valid when the VIOS update image is on a remote server.

-h The host name or IP address of the remote server.
-u The user ID to use to log in to the remote SFTP server.

This option is required when the VIOS update image is on a remote SFTP server. Otherwise, this option is not valid.

--passwd The password to use to log in to the remote SFTP server.

If both this option and the -k option are omitted when the VIOS update image is on a remote SFTP server, you will be prompted to enter the password. The --passwd and -k options are mutually exclusive.

-k The name of the file that contains the SSH private key. If the file name is not fully qualified, the file must exist in the user’s home directory on the HMC.

Use the ssh-keygen command to generate the public and private SSH key pair. The ssh-keygen command is not allowed to write to the .ssh directory in the user’s home directory on the HMC, so when you run the command on the HMC, you must specify both the directory and the file name for the private key. If you generate a key with a passphrase, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase when you run any HMC command that uses the key.

If both this option and the --passwd option are omitted when the VIOS update image is on a remote SFTP server, you will be prompted to enter the password. The -k and --passwd options are mutually exclusive.

-l The mount location defined on the NFS server that contains the VIOS update image.

This option is required when the VIOS update image is in an NFS file system. Otherwise, this option is not valid.

--options Options to be passed to the mount command used to mount the NFS file system that contains the VIOS update image. The options must be enclosed in double quotes.

The HMC supports NFS versions 3 and 4, and this command uses version 3 by default. To use version 4, include the option vers=4.

This option is only valid when the VIOS update image is in an NFS file system.

-d The name of the directory on the remote server that contains the VIOS update image. If this option is not specified when the VIOS update image is on a SFTP server, the image will be obtained from the user’s home directory. If this option is not specified when the VIOS update image is in an NFS file system, the image will be obtained from the mount-location on the NFS server.
--device When the VIOS update image is on a USB data storage device, use this option to specify the name of the USB device on the HMC. The USB device must be connected to the HMC and must be mounted with the mount command before this command is run. The lsmediadev command can be used to display the device name of the USB device once it has been connected to the HMC.
--restart Specify this option to restart the VIOS after installing the update if the update requires a restart.
--save Specify this option to save the update image on the HMC hard disk.
--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


Update VIOS vios1 using a VIOS update image from the HMC hard disk and restart the VIOS after the update if required:

updvios -m sys1 -p vios1 -r disk -n VIOS_FP_3.1.3.14 --restart

Update VIOS vios1 using a VIOS update image from a remote SFTP server, and use SSH keys for authentication:

updvios -m sys1 -p vios1 -r sftp -h sftpserver -u sftpuser
-k /home/hmcuser/keys/id_rsa -d vios/update/VIOS_FP_3.1.3.14
-f H24094002.iso

Update the VIOS with ID 1 using a VIOS update image from a remote SFTP server (you will be prompted for the password). Restart the VIOS after the update if required and save the image on the HMC hard disk:

updvios -m 9080-HEX*1234567 --id 1 -r sftp -n VIOS_FP_3.1.2.10
-h sftpserver -u sftpuser -d vios/update/VIOS_FP_3.1.2.10 --restart

Update the VIOS vios1 using a VIOS update image from an NFS file system, and use NFS version 4. Restart the VIOS after the update if required:

updvios -m sys1 -p vios1 -r nfs -h -l /images
--options "vers=4" -d vios/update/VIOS_FP_3.1.3.14 --restart
-f U872970.bff,U877527.bff,U877574.bff,U879820.bff,U883888.bff

Update the VIOS with ID 1 using a VIOS update image from a USB data storage device (the USB data storage device must already be connected to the HMC):

lsmediadev (to obtain mount point/device name)

mount /dev/sdb1

updvios -m sys1 --id 1 -r usb --device /dev/sdb1

Update VIOS vios1 using a VIOS update image from the IBM Fix Central website. Restart the VIOS after the update if required and save the update image to the HMC hard disk:

updvios -m sys1 -p vios1 -r ibmwebsite -n VIOS_FP_3.1.3.14
--restart --save






IBM Austin


chviosupd, cpviosupd, lsmediadev, lsviosupd, rmviosupd

Linux UPDVIOS (1) December 2022
Generated by manServer 1.07 from updvios.1 using man macros.