HMC Manual Reference Pages  - INSTALLIOS (1)


installios - Network install a Virtual I/O Server Logical Partition


See Also


installios [-p partition-name -i ipaddr-or-hostname
-S subnet-mask -g gateway -d path -s system-name
[-m mac-address] -r profile [-n] [-P speed]
[-D duplex] [-l language] [-A net_interface]
[-E bosinst_pvid] [-T destination_dir]
[-V vlan_tag] [-Y vlan_priority] [-C]
[-o nfs_option] [-R label_name]
[-y bootp_retry_count] [-z tftp_retry_count]]
| -u
| -q
| [-F] -e -R label_name


installios installs the Virtual I/O Server. It must be run from the Hardware Managment Console (HMC). All of the flags are optional. If no flags are provided, the installios wizard will be invoked and the user will be prompted to interactively enter the information contained in the flags.

Please note:
If the managed system is in co-management mode (set with is_controller=1) when listed with the lscomgmt command, the partition profile value will need to be ommitted.


-s Specifies the managed system. The name of the managed system maintained by the HMC. This name must match the name shown on the HMC, not a host name.
-p Specifies the partition name. The name of the LPAR that will be installed with Virtual I/O Server operating system. This partition must be of type Virtual I/O Server and the name given for it must match the name shown on the HMC, not a host name.
-r Specifies the profile name. The name of the profile that contains the hardware resources being installed to.
-d Specifies the path to installation images. Valid path types are:

/dev/cdrom - for installation images on DVD

/dev/usb-device-name - for installation images on USB device. The lsmediadev command can be used to display the device name of the USB device.

localpath - for a system backup of the Virtual I/O Server created by the backupios command -- or for an ISO image of Virtual I/O Server install media -- that resides in the directory localpath on the HMC. When using an ISO image, localpath should include the image filename of the first volume. If the ISO image span multiple volumes, the installios will automatically locate the remaining volumes, provided they reside within the same directory as the first.

nfs_server:remote_path_to_image - for a system backup of the Virtual I/O Server, created by the backupios command, that resides in the remote_path_to_image location on the NFS server, nfs_server. Installation from an ISO image is not supported when an NFS path is used.

-i Specifies the client IP address. The IP address with which the client’s network interface will be configured for network installation of the Virtual I/O Server operating system.
-S Specifies the client subnet mask. The subnet mask with which the client’s network interface will be configured for network installation of the Virtual I/O Server operating system.
-g Specifies the client gateway. The default gateway that the client will use during network installation of the Virtual I/O Server operating system.
-m Specifies the client MAC address. The MAC address of the client network interface through which the network installation of the Virtual I/O Server will take place.
-P Specifies speed (optional) The communication speed with which to configure the client’s network interface. This value can be 10, 100, 1000, or auto, and is 100 by default if this flag is not specified. For newer machines, a speed value of auto is desired although this value is determined by the network configuration of the environment and the network adapter of the installing machine.
-D Specifies duplex (optional). The duplex setting with which to configure the client’s network interface. This value can be full, half or auto and is set to full by default if this flag is not specified. For newer machines, a duplex value of auto is desired although this value is determined by the network configuration of the environment and the network adapter of the installing machine.
-n Specifies not to configure the client’s network interface (optional): If this flag is specified, then the client’s network interface will not be configured with the IP settings specified in the flags given to this command after the installation has completed.
-l Specifies language (optional): The language in which the license agreement will be displayed before the installation. Upon viewing the license, a prompt will be shown asking if the license is to be accepted. If the prompt is answered with y, then the installation will proceed and the Virtual I/O Server license will be automatically accepted after the installation. If the prompt is answered with n, then the installios command will exit and the installation will not proceed. If this flag is not specified, then the installation will proceed, but the Virtual I/O Server will not be usable until the license is manually accepted after the installation.
-A Specifies net_interface (optional): The specified net_interface will be used to network install the partition. The network interface specified must be connected to a network in which the partition’s IP address is reachable. If no interface is specified, a default public interface will be chosen automatically, based on the HMC’s current hostname.
-E Specifies bosinst_pvid (optional): The specified bosinst_pvid value signifies the physical volume identity for a disk targeted for installation. The bosinst_pvid value can be obtained by running the lspv command on the machine being installed.
-T Specifies destination_dir (optional): The specified destination_dir points to a path were the source will be copied to on the HMC. The default destination path is the /extra filesystem.
-V Specifies the VLAN tag identifier to use for tagging Ethernet frames during network install for virtual network communication. Valid value is from 0 to 4094 (optional).
-Y Specifies the VLAN tag priority to use for tagging Ethernet frames during network install for virtual network communication. Valid value is from 0 to 7 (optional).
-C Specifies the option to save the label name and its image for later use (optional). To remove the saved labels and its image, use the -e flag to erase the label from /etc/nimol.conf.
-R Specifies a label name for installios to use instead of creating a default label name (optional).
-y Specifies the maximum number of BOOTP retry attempts. Valid value is from 0 to 9 (optional). The default value is 5.
-z Specifies the maximum number of TFTP retry attempts. Valid value is from 0 to 9 (optional). The default value is 5.
-u Unconfigure installios (optional). Will manually unconfigure the installios installation resources. This flag is only needed if a problem occurs during the installation and installios does not automatically unconfigure itself. However, if the -C flag is specified, installios will not unconfigure itself. If a label exists in the installios configuration file /etc/nimol.conf, the labels will need to be removed first in order to unconfigure installios.
-q Query installios for labels created (optional). The installios command creates labels when it rips installable images from the source image to disk. The labels are stored in /etc/nimol.conf and are linked to clients when they are being used for installation. The query flag will list out the labels known to installios.
-e Erase a label known to installios (optional). When executing the installios command with the -R label, it creates a label when it rips the installable images from the source image to disk. The label is stored in /etc/nimol.conf and its reference to install resources are linked to a client when it is used for installation. The query flag will list out the labels known to installios.
-F Force the operation to continue and to bypass certain checking that may be preventing installios to run (optional).
-o Specifies the NFS option to use when mounting install resources from a remote server (optional).


To use the installios wizard which will prompt the user for partition and network information to install a partition, type:


To create resources from the CDROM media for installing a partition with the following information:
Managed System : wampeter
Partition Name : shire02
Partition Profile : default
Partition IP :
Partition Subnet :
Partition Gateway :

installios -d /dev/cdrom -i -g -S -s wampeter -p shire02 -r default

To create resources from a directory at /mnt for installing a partition with the following information:
Managed System : bokonon
Partition Name : mordor02
Partition Profile : full_resource
Partition IP :
Partition Subnet :
Partition Gateway :
MAC address : f2:d4:60:00:d0:03

installios -d /mnt -i -g -S -m f2:d4:60:00:d0:03 -s bokonon -p mordor02 -r full_resource

To create resources from an ISO image at the location /extra/GOLD_BUILD, and saving the image for later execution in installing a partition with the following information:
Managed System : bokonon
Partition Name : mordor05
Partition Profile : vios
Partition IP :
Partition Subnet :
Partition Gateway :
MAC address : f2:d8:90:00:e0:10

installios -d /extra/GOLD_BUILD/dvdimage.v1.iso -i -g -S -m f2:d8:90:00:e0:10 -s bokonon -p mordor05 -r vios -R GOLD_BUILD -C

To create resources from a remote server that will be serving a nim_resources.tar image at the location server1:/export/nim_resources.tar, using an NFS option of "-o vers=3 -o nolock", with the following information:
Managed System : bokonon
Partition Name : mordor05
Partition Profile : vios
Partition IP :
Partition Subnet :
Partition Gateway :
MAC address : f2:d8:90:00:e0:10

installios -d server1:/export/nim_resources.tar -o "-o vers=3 -o nolock" -i -g -S -m f2:d8:90:00:e0:10 -s bokonon -p mordor05 -r vios

To clean up tasks from a previous installios execution, type:

installios -u

To query installios for a list of label names and their image locations, type:

installios -q

To erase a label name and the image saved from installios where the label name is GOLD_BUILD, type:

installios -e -R GOLD_BUILD


INSTALLIOS_DEBUG This variable is use to print debug messages from lpar_netboot when installios executes the lpar_netboot command. This variable is set with INSTALLIOS_DEBUG=yes. When executing the installios command in the wizard mode, this variable must not be set as the debug output from lpar_netboot will interfere with the MAC address discovery resulting in a failed execution. This variable must only be set when executing installios on the command line with flags.

INSTALLIOS_PRIVATE_IF This variable is used by installios to enable DHCP service when responding to BOOTP request from an installing partition. This variable must only be use in situation where the FSP (Flexible Service Processor) and the installing partition communicate with the HMC through a private network. If the private network the HMC is using is eth0, then this variable is set with INSTALLIOS_PRIVATE_IF=eth0.

INSTALLIOS_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY This variable is used by installios to specify the destination directory to copy the source to. This variable is set with INSTALLIOS_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY=/info. This variable is overridden by the -T destination_dir flag. In certain situation where calling installios fails due to space limitation when copying over the source image, setting this variable or the -T flag to an alternate location with space capable of storing the content of the source location will resolve the situation.




IBM Austin


chsysstate, lssyscfg, mkvterm, rmvterm, lpar_netboot, lsmediadev

Linux INSTALLIOS (1) May 2022
Generated by manServer 1.07 from installios.1 using man macros.