Create a snapshot

You can add multiple assets to a snapshot so that you can deploy the assets to a target environment. You can also optionally export and save the snapshot as a .gz archive. Snapshot archives can be imported into Lifecycle Management.


  1. Click Add on the Snapshots tab of the Lifecycle Management page.
  2. Enter a Name for the snapshot.
  3. Optionally, enter a Description of the snapshot.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the assets from the Available list that you want to include in the snapshot. You can include assets from either or both the Shared and Personal folder, but you can only select assets from one of those folders at a time.
    1. Click Shared or Personal to select assets from either folder.
      When you click either Shared or Personal, the Search and Filter options become available to help you locate assets. You can type an asset name in the search box or click Filter to narrow the display of assets to a selected asset type (books, views, or folders).
    2. Select the assets you want to include in the snapshot.
      When you select a view or book from the Available list, it is added to the Selected list. When you select a folder from the Available list, all assets within the folder (and any sub-folders) are added to the Available list as individual assets. When you select a plan or application from the Available list, all assets within the plan or application are added to the Available list as required assets of the plan or application.
    3. If you want to remove an asset from the Selected list, click the Remove from selection icon next to the asset.
  6. Click Create.


The snapshot is created and selected in the snapshots list. The Details panel shows the name and location for all assets in the snapshot.

In both the snapshots list and the Details panel, you can see the version of IBM® Planning Analytics Workspace that the snapshot was created in.

Note: This feature is only available in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.96 or later. A snapshot can display versions 2.0.90 or later. If the snapshot version is not displaying, you may need to export the snapshot and import it again.

The snapshot is now available to deploy.