Control objects

Control objects perform integral tasks in IBM® Planning Analytics.

Most control objects are generated by the system and can be considered system control objects. System control dimensions, system control cubes, and system control processes are used to manage objects, maintain users and groups, apply and monitor security, monitor performance, and store object attributes and properties.

All control object names are prefixed with }, for example: }Capabilities. Control objects are available from the Control Objects node in the Databases tree. Most control objects are generated by the system. Only modelers and administrators can see or manage control objects.

To find out more about system control dimensions, see Control Dimensions.

To find out more about system control cubes, see Control Cubes.

Because the visibility of control objects is limited to modelers and administrators, there are some circumstances where non-system control objects are useful.

As an example, consider cubes used for lookups in MDX statements. The end user needs READ access to this sort of cube, but a modeler or administrator probably doesn't want to expose these cubes in the list of cubes available to most users. In this case, a control object allows the required access to all users while hiding the object from users who are not modelers or administrators.

A modeler or administrator can create non-system control dimensions, cubes, and processes.