TODAY returns the current date in yy-mm-dd format.

This function is valid in both rules and TurboIntegrator processes.






An optional Boolean argument that determines whether the TODAY function returns a string using two- or four-digit notation for the year.

If ReturnFourDigitYear is true, the function returns date falling within the range of Jan. 1, 1960 and Dec. 31, 9999, using four-digit notation for the year. Serial date 0 corresponds to Jan. 1, 1960 and serial date 2936549 corresponds to Dec. 31, 9999.

If ReturnFourDigitYear is false, or if this optional argument is omitted from the TODAY function, the function returns a date falling within the range Jan. 1, 1960 and Dec. 31, 2059, using two-digit notation for the year. Serial date 0 corresponds to Jan 1, 1960 and serial date 36524 corresponds to Dec. 31, 2059.

If ReturnFourDigitYear is false or is omitted and you specify a serial date greater than 36524, the serial date used by the function is determined by the formula n - 36525. For example, if you specify a serial date of 36530, then 36530 - 36525 = 5. In this case, TODAY uses 5 as the serial date and returns the date Jan. 6, 1960.


P1=TODAY(1) returns a data string in YYYY-MM-DD format such as 2009-06-05.

P1=TODAY(0) returns a date string in YY-MM-DD format such as 09-06-05