Deprecated features in IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.1

Before upgrading to Planning Analytics Local, review this listing of deprecated features and capabilities to determine the impact on your model.

The following components are not supported in Planning Analytics Local 2.1:

  • TM1 Architect
  • TM1 Perspectives
  • TM1 Applications
  • Performance Modeler
  • Scorecarding
  • Cognos Insight

All TM1 database modeling activities are performed in the Planning Analytics Workspace modeling workbench in Planning Analytics Local 2.1.

The following features of TM1 Server are not supported in Planning Analytics Local 2.1:

  • Replication and synchronization
  • JavaTI (ExecuteJavaN and ExecuteJavaS TurboIntegrator functions)

The following configuration parameters are not supported in Planning Analytics Local 2.1:

  • ClientVersionMaximum
  • ClientVersionMinimum
  • ClientVersionPrecision
  • CognosTM1InterfacePath
  • JavaJVMArgs
  • JavaJVMPath
  • MaximumSynchAttempts

Features deprecated in previous Planning Analytics releases

In addition to the deprecated features announced for IBM® Planning Analytics Local 2.1, you should review the features that were deprecated in previous Planning Analytics 2.0 releases before upgrading to Planning Analytics Local 2.1.

For details on features that were deprecated in previous Planning Analytics 2.0 releases, see Deprecation notices for IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.