Manage Planning Analytics Workspace database log files

You can view database transaction logs, message logs, and audit logs from a Modeling workbench.

About this task

Access to server logs is available only on the modeling workbench. You cannot open logs from a book.

The option to open the server log and the transaction log is available for all databases. To access the audit log, the Audit log configuration parameter must be enabled for the database.


  1. To open any of the available database logs, open a modeling workbench.
  2. Right-click the database on the Databases tree.
  3. Click Logs.
  4. Click the log that you want to open.
    Database log options

    The audit log and transaction log can also be opened when you right-click an individual cube on the Databases tree.

    Logs available for an individual cube

Server log

About this task

The server log (tm1server.log file) captures messages that are issued on an individual Planning Analytics database. Each entry in the log includes this information:

  • The ID number of the thread on the database that generated the message.
  • The severity level of the message: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, or unrecoverable.
  • The name of the Planning Analytics component that generated the message.
  • A text message that describes the error or activity.

The message log is automatically managed by the Planning Analytics database. By default, the maximum message log file size is 100 MB. When the log file grows larger than 100 MB, it is rolled over automatically by the Planning Analytics database. The tm1server.log file is renamed tm1server.log.1, and an empty tm1server.log file is created.

By default, a maximum of 20 Planning Analytics database message log files are maintained by the Planning Analytics database (tm1server.log, tm1server.log.1,...tm1server.log.19). Maximum log file size and maximum number of historical files are based on configuration settings in the file.

The order of reading the logs when multiple log files are present should be the current tm1server.log file, then the highest .# entry to the lowest. For example, if four log files are present, the order would be tm1server.log, tm1server.log.3, tm1server.log.2, tm1server.log.1. You can also consult the time stamp for the log files and read them from most recent to oldest to make sure you are reviewing items in the correct order.


  1. The server log is live and updated in real-time. You might want to pause the display of updates while you are examining messages. Click Pause to temporarily pause updates in the message log viewer, then click Resume to continue updates. Pausing updates only affects the display of messages in the log viewer; messages continue to be logged and are displayed when you resume updates.
  2. By default, the log viewer displays messages for the current day. You can click Expand panel icon to reveal the time period selector. Click a different time period and the click Apply to view messages for a 1 day, 7 day, 30 day, or custom time period.
  3. Click the Download icon to download the server log as a text file.
  4. Click the Settings icon to set view options for the log.

Audit log

About this task

The audit log monitors changes to metadata, such as modifications to dimensions, views, and subsets. It also tracks login and TurboIntegrator process execution.

Note: The audit log is not available when using Planning Analytics Workspace connected to Planning Analytics Engine.

This log can be used for accountability purposes where laws or regulations require auditing of certain activities in mission-critical software. Administrators and modelers can use an audit log to answer these questions:

  • What object was changed?
  • How was the object modified?
  • Who made the change?
  • When was the change made?

You can open an audit log both from a Database node or an individual cube on the Databases tree. If you open from a Database node, the log displays details for all objects on the database. If you open the log for an individual cube, the Filter option on the log is set to display details only for the selected cube.


  1. By default, the log viewer displays messages for the current day. To view messages for a different time period, select a period from the Time period menu, then click Search.
  2. Click the Filter icon to filter by user, description, object type, or object name.
  3. Click the Download icon to download the audit log as a .csv file.
  4. Click the Settings icon to set view options for the log.

Transaction log

About this task

The following information is recorded about data changes in the transaction log:

  • Date and time the change was made.
  • The name of the client who made the change.
  • The name of the cube in which the change was made.
  • The cell members that identify the cell that changed.
  • The value before the change .
  • The value after the change .
  • The change set that contains the change.

By default, the log viewer displays transactions for the current day, all users, and all cubes.


  1. To view transactions for a different time period, select a period from the Time period menu, then click Search.
  2. To view transactions for a single user, enter the full User name, then click Search.
  3. To view transactions for a single cube, select a cube from the Cube menu, then click Search.

    You can filter on one or more members in the selected cube.

    1. Click the Filter icon.
    2. Select the dimension members for which you want to view transactions.
    3. Click Done.
  4. Click the Download icon to download the log as a .csv file.
  5. Click the Settings icon to set view options for the log.