Localize objects on your database with the Localization editor

A new Localization editor makes it easier to localize the names of cubes, dimensions, members, processes, and chores on your Planning Analytics Workspace database.

The Localization editor is available from the modeling workbench.

Localize cubes, dimensions, processes, or chores

To localize cubes, dimensions, processes, or chores, right-click a database on the Databases tree, then click Localization > object type.

You can also open the Localization editor by right-clicking an object node on the Databases tree, then clicking Localization. For example, Cubes > Localization or Chores > Localization.

The Localization editor displays a grid, with object names on the rows and the languages included in the }Cultures control dimension on the columns.

Localization editor

You can click the Object type menu and select a different object type to localize.

The first time you open the Localization editor for an object type, a new localization control cube is created on the database where the objects reside. Localized object names are saved in these control cubes.

Object type Localization control cube
Cubes }LocalizedCubeAttributes
Dimension }LocalizedDimensionAttributes
Processes }LocalizedProcessAttributes
Chores }LocalizedChoresAttributes

To localize object names, you can work directly in the Localization editor or upload data to the appropriate localization control cube.

Localize object names in the Localization editor
Click the cell at the intersection of an object name and a language, then enter the appropriate localized name.
Upload data to a localization control cube
Right-click the appropriate localization control cube on the Databases tree, then click Import data. See Importing data into a cube for more information.

Localize dimension members

To localize dimension member names, right-click an individual dimension on the Databases tree, then click Localization.

The Localization editor displays a grid, with member names on the rows and the languages included in the }Cultures control dimension on the columns.

The first time you open the Localization editor for members in a specific dimension, a new localization control cube is created on the database where the dimension resides. The localization control cube is named }LocalizedElementAttributes_dimName. Localized dimension member names are saved in this control cube.

For example, when you first open the Region dimension in the Localization editor, the }LocalizedElementAttributes_Region control cube is created.

To localize dimension member names, you can work directly in the Localization editor or upload data to the appropriate localization control cube.

Localize member names in the Localization editor
Click the cell at the intersection of a dimension member name and a language, then enter the appropriate localized name.
Upload data to a localization control cube
Right-click the appropriate }LocalizedElementAttributes_dimName localization control cube on the Databases tree, then click Import data. See Importing data into a cube for more information.