Set synchronization properties for multiple widgets simultaneously

You can now set synchronization properties for multiple widgets at the same time. Previously you could set synchronization properties for only one widget at a time.

In edit mode, select multiple widgets with Ctrl + click or by using the mouse drag action. Then, under Properties > Synchronization, choose the synchronization properties that you want to apply to the selected widgets.

Synchronization properties when multiple widgets are selected
When you select multiple widgets, only the synchronization properties that apply to all selected widgets display. The following properties are available if you select:
  • Cube views from the same database

    The Synchronization group, Synchronize sandbox, and Synchronize hierarchies properties are available. You can synchronize only those hierarchies that are common to both cube views; other hierarchies do not display.

    Synchronization properties for cube views from the same database
  • Cube views from different databases

    The Synchronization group and Synchronize sandbox properties are available. You can also enable the Synchronize hierarchies property to turn on synchronization, but since there aren't any common hierarchies between the selected widgets, there are no hierarchies to select.

    Synchronization properties for cube views from different databases
  • Cube view and shape widget

    Since the shape widget does not have synchronization properties, no synchronization properties display.

    No synchronization properties when a cube view and shape widget are selected

The order in which the synchronization properties display in Synchronization groups and Synchronize hierarchies is determined by the widget that you select first. For example, if the first widget that you select is in the Book synchronization group, the Book option appears first in the Synchronization groups list.