New properties in line and column visualization

In IBM® Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.83, the following new properties were added in the line and column visualization:

Enable zoom bar

The zoom bar allows for horizontal scrolling in a line and column visualization. You can now enable the zoom bar to scroll and focus on a smaller area of the visualization.

Use the Enable zoom bar property in the Chart section under Properties to add the zoom bar to your visualization. Drag a handle on the bar to zoom and focus on an area in the visualization. The area of focus changes as you drag the handle.

Formatting options for column value and point value labels

You can format column value labels and point value labels in line and column visualizations. Value labels can now display as values or percentages of a category or color.

To change the format of value labels, enable Show column value labels or Show point value labels in the Chart section under visualization properties.

New properties were also introduced for point value labels. You can add a shadow to the labels, change their color, or set a contrast label color.

New properties for point value labels

Alignment position for zero

In line and column visualizations, you can control whether the line and column sections have zero in the same position with the new Align axes zero property.

Found under the Chart section in visualization properties, the Align axes zero toggle is enabled by default. If the toggle is enabled, the zero values for the lines and columns are on the same axes in the visualization. If the toggle is disabled, the zero value might be on different axes in the visualization.

Disabling the zero alignment position (that is, specifying that the line and column sections do not have zero in the same position) makes the line and column values independent and can make the relevant values more visible in certain scenarios.

Align axes zero property

Change line width

You can now change the line width in line and column visualizations by specifying the thickness of the line. By default, the line width is set to 2 px.

Line width property