Create and edit multiple Planning Analytics Local environments (Local only)

You can manage multiple environments in Planning Analytics Administration Local.

Important: You must have Environments admin privileges to create, edit, or delete environments.
Local Environments page

To create a new environment:

  1. Enable multiple environments by adding the following to the paw.env on Linux or paw.ps1 file on Windows:
    export ENABLE_MULTI_ENV="true"
  2. Restart Planning Analytics Workspace.
  3. Click the Administration tile on the Planning Analytics Workspace home page.
  4. Click the Environments tile.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Enter an Environment name, Spreadsheet service URL, and Admin host, then click Create.

    The Admin host that you specify determines which databases are available in the environment. Only the databases registered on the specified admin host are available in the environment.

    You can choose to leave the Spreadsheet service URL and Admin host values blank when you create an environment. Entries for these values are then automatically used from the paw.env file on Linux or paw.ps1 file on Windows.

To edit or delete an existing environment, click the environment name on the Environments page, then click the appropriate icon.

You can assign an individual user to any combination of available environments. Users can have different roles in different environments. For example, a modeler in Environment 1 could be assigned the analyst role in Environment 2.

When you log in to Planning Analytics Local and have access to multiple environments, an environment switcher is available on the Planning Analytics Workspace Local home page, adjacent to your user name. You can click the switcher to switch between environments that are available to you.

Environment selector
Tip: If you have multiple environments available to your users, consider applying a custom theme to each environment to make it easier to visually differentiate between environments.

Connecting to Planning Analytics Workspace URL in Planning Analytics for Excel

You can connect to a multi-tenant Planning Analytics Workspace URL in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. A multi-tenant connection URL might look like this:

If you are using Cognos Authentication Manager (CAM) authentication (mode 5), when you connect to a Planning Analytics Workspace URL with a tenantID in Planning Analytics for Excel, the data source selection is empty. To connect to the URL in Planning Analytics for Excel, enter the URL without the accountID and tenantID, then select the tenant in the tenant selector.