Export to Excel

You can export a cube view as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

About this task

There are some size limitations that you need to be aware of. If you reach any of these limitations, you receive an error message.
Maximum number of rows
Maximum number of columns


Maximum number of cells
8 million
Maximum number of view instances

The total number of instances is determined by multiplying the number next to each option. If the number of instances is greater than 100, try changing your selection.

If the view includes attribute values on either the rows or columns, the attributes and the relevant headers are exported. The header cell contains the attribute name. Note that since attributes can exist on both rows and columns, there may be a conflict as to which attribute name should show up in the header cell. In this case, attributes on the rows take priority

Export to Excel is not available from an iPAD.


  1. Click the cube view that contains the data that you want to export, then click Export icon on the toolbar.
  2. Optional: Select which parts of the view that you want to export, based on hierarchy. Click Down arrow on the Burst based on the following hierarchies and select the hierarchies you want to export.
    An option is shown for each dimension hierarchy that appears in the Context bar. If you select nothing, then the selection of data that is shown in the view is exported.
  3. Choose whether you want to export all sheets to a single file, or to multiple files. If you didn't choose to burst based on a hierarchy, only one sheet can be exported.
  4. Click Export to begin the export process.


Take as an example a view that shows models on the rows, and regions on the columns. On the context bar, Variance is selected in the actvsbud tile and Units is selected in the account1 tile. If you don't select a hierarchy to burst to, the view is exported as selected, with no additional sheets. But if you select a hierarchy, all possible combinations of views are exported.

Cube view showing actvsbud and account1

For example, the actvsbud hierarchy has the following three items:

  • Variance
  • Actual
  • Budget

If you select actvsbud hierarchy, data is exported to three sheets: Variance, Actual, and Budget.

The account1 hierarchy has three items at the same level:

  • Units
  • Sales
  • Variable costs

If you select account1 hierarchy, data is exported to nine sheets:

  • Variance_Units
  • Variance_Sales
  • Variance_Variable costs
  • Actual_Units
  • Actual_Sales
  • Actual_Variable costs
  • Budget_Units
  • Budget_Sales
  • Budget_Variable costs