Creating a new Cube View

If the views for a cube do not satisfy your analysis requirements, you can create a new view.


  1. Expand the Views node in the left navigation pane.
  2. Double-click a cube name
    • If you have a private default view of the cube, TM1® Web displays it in the ontent pane.
    • If you do not have a private default view of the cube, but a public default view exists, TM1 Web displays the public view in the Content pane.
    • If you have neither a private default view nor a public default view of the cube, TM1 Web displays the system default view in the Content pane. In the system default view, the last dimension in the cube definition is the column dimension; the next-to-last dimension in the cube definition is the row dimension; and other dimensions are context dimensions.
    Or, expand the cube and click an existing view.
  3. Modify the view to meet your requirements. See Configuring a Cube View.
  4. Click Actions > Save as.
  5. Type a name for the view.
  6. Decide whether you want to create a public or private view. A private view can be viewed only by you.
    • To create a private view, select the Private check box.
    • To create a public view, clear the Private check box.
    Note: You must be the TM1 administrator or have Admin privileges on the cube to save a public view.
  7. To save the view as the default view for the cube, click Default.
    • For example, if you select the Private check box and the Default check box, the view is saved as your private default view of the cube. The next time you double-click the cube, this is the view you will see.
    • If you clear the Private check box and select the Default check box, the view is saved as the default view of the cube for all users on the server. The next time a user double-clicks the cube, this is the view that they will see unless they have created their own private default view of the cube.
    Note: You must be the TM1 administrator or have Admin privileges on the cube to save a public view.
  8. Click OK.
    Important: If you do not save the view, TM1 Web discards the view when you close the view or end your TM1 Web session