Manually enabling features in the tm1features.json file

There are some features in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel that will need to be manually enabled before use. This topic will provide you with a list of features that need to be manually enabled and how you can manually enable certain features in Planning Analytics Workspace.

How do I edit the tm1features.json file?

  1. Ensure that no Microsoft Office applications are open.
  2. Navigate to the C:\<user profile path>\Cognos\Office Connection folder.
  3. Open tm1features.json in a text editor.
  4. Edit the desired parameter.
  5. Save the tm1features.json file.
Tip: You can also find the Office Connection folder in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel by clicking Options > IBM > View logs and then navigating up one level.
Note: If the tm1features.json file does not exist, you can create one by using an empty text file and naming it tm1features.json. Be sure to save it to C:\<user profile path>\Cognos\Office Connection\.

List of features in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel that need to be manually enabled

Constrained Calculations
To enable Constrained Calculations, you need to set the r56_EnableManualConstrainedCalc parameter to true.
{ "r56_EnableManualConstrainedCalc": true }
Note: If you are using r41_EnableConstrainedCalcScope to enable Constrained Calculations, we recommend using r56_EnableManualConstrainedCalc instead. Feature flag r56_EnableManualConstrainedCalc offers a better range of scope control and additional refresh gestures.
Quick Report headers
To enable the information header in a Quick Report, you need to set the r48_QuickReportLabeling parameter to true. By default, the parameter is set to false, and the header information is hidden.
{ "r48_QuickReportLabeling": true }