URL API CustomTitle parameter

You can rename websheet tabs in TM1 Web by using the URL API parameter, CustomTitle.

You can configure the websheet tab title to display one of the following:
  • TM1 server name
  • TM1 server name and workbook path
  • TM1 server name, cube name, and view name
If you do not use the CustomTitle parameter, you see the default IBM Cognos TM1 Web title in the websheet tab.




Value Description
Server Displays the TM1 server name on the websheet tab.
ServerWorkbook Displays the TM1 server name and workbook path in the following format: server:path
ServerCubeView Displays the TM1 server name, cube name, and view name in the following format: server:cube:view
Websheet tabs that use the CustomTitile parameter to display the server name


The following URL API displays the TM1 server name and its path as the websheet tab title.
