Using database-level search in a modeling workbench

Use the search feature in the modeling workbench to search for any data item (cubes, dimensions, views, sets, processes, chores, rules, and control objects) in a database.

To search within a database, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Search button in the workbench.
  2. In the panel that opens, select the database in which you want to search.
    Select a database
  3. Enter the name of the data item you are searching for in the Search field.

    To search for a control object, prefix the name with }. For example, }Attributes. The search looks for items that contain the string that follows }. A search for }att displays the results }CubeAttributes and }DimensionAttributes.

    Select a database
    Tip: Click the Filter icon to see search results for a specific data item. For example, if you want to see search results only for dimensions named “Test” in the 24Retail database, click the Filter icon, and select Dimensions.

To search for the same data item in a different database or with different filter options, simply change your selections and a new search triggers.

Note: The search is designed to display up to 60 search results for each data item for a maximum of 300 results. If more than 300 results are available for your search, you need to enter a more specific search term.

You can click any search result to open it in a tab.

You can also click the Edit menu icon next to the data item to edit it or delete it from the database.

Edit menu
You can make the following changes to each data item from within the search panel:
  • Cubes
    • Add new view
    • Import data
    • Delete cube
    • Edit cell security (not available for control cubes)
  • Rules
    • Edit business rules
    • Delete business rules
  • Dimensions
    • Edit dimension
    • Create set
    • Delete dimensions
    • Create hierarchy (not available for control dimensions)
  • Sets
    • Edit set
    • Delete set
  • Views
    • Add view
    • Delete
  • Processes
    • Edit process
    • Run process
    • Delete process
    • Display chores involved
  • Chores
    • Edit chore
    • Run chore
    • Delete chore
    • Enable chore schedule