Open editors in a separate window

You can open any editor in a separate window that is detached from the modeling workbench. This is helpful when you want to fully maximize the size of the editor. A separate window can contain only one editor.

About this task

The functionality of all editors remains the same, whether an editor is opened in a separate window or used within the modeling workbench.

Note that when you close a modeling workbench, any editor that is open in a separate window remains open and functional. The separate window remains functional as long as you are logged in to Planning Analytics Workspace.


  1. To open an editor in a separate window, click the tab for the editor, then click Open tab in floating window open tab in floating window.
    Important: If an editor contains unsaved changes, these changes will be lost if they are not saved prior to opening an editor in a separate window. You will receive a warning if you attempt to detach an editor with unsaved changes, allowing you to cancel the detachment and save your changes.
    You can also open an editor in a separate window directly from the data tree. The option to open a separate window is available for dimensions, processes, rules, settings, views, chores, and sets. Press the Ctrl key while right-clicking on the desired asset in the data tree. You'll see options to open or create in a new window.

    open in new window options

  2. To return the separate editor window to the workbench, click Return to workbench.
    Important: If an editor in a separate window contains unsaved changes, these changes will be lost if they are not saved prior to reattaching the window. You will receive a warning if you attempt to reattach an editor with unsaved changes, allowing you to cancel the reattachment and save your changes.

    You might also receive a waring from your browser when you click Return to workbench, asking if you want to leave the site. You can click Leave to complete the process of reattaching a separate window.