Use Git repository integration to manage Planning Analytics database objects

Modelers can access a Git repository directly from Planning Analytics Workspace. You can use the Git repository to store Planning Analytics database objects such as cubes, dimensions, rules, and processes that are common across multiple models. You can also use the repository to move database objects from one environment to another. For example, you might want to copy database objects from a development environment to a production environment.

The repository can also serve as a version control facility for your Planning Analytics database objects.

Repository integration is supported on these three Git providers:

Options to interact with a Git repository are available when you click the Action icon Action icon for a database on the Databases Tree of a modeling workbench.

Options to interact with a Git repository display when you click Action for a database

The following limitations apply when adding database objects to a repository:

  • Data is not included when you add cubes or views to a repository.
  • Attributes are not included when you add dimensions to a repository.

Git repository integration is also available through the TM1 REST API.