Configuring logging level in

Use the following two statements in the logging properties file as the standard configuration to log all INFO level logs for all areas of TM1®.

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, S1

Use the following format to configure logging at a specific message level:

TM1 logger=Message level, Appender


  • TM1 logger is the name of the TM1 subcomponent that you want to log. Contact customer support for assistance using TM1 loggers.
  • Message level is the message severity level that you want to log. Valid values include: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or OFF, as described in the section "Message Severity Levels."
  • Appender is the output destination. Use a value of S1 for the TM1 shared memory appender which transfers messages to memory before saving them to a file.

Message levels are logged as follows:

  • Setting logging to DEBUG will report all severity levels messages.
  • Setting logging to WARN will report WARN, ERROR, and FATAL messages.
  • Setting logging to OFF disables all logging for the specific TM1 logger.

For example, to turn on logging at the DEBUG level for all TM1 sub-components, you would use the following statements:

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, S1