Action buttons

You can create action buttons to run processes, navigate between worksheets, and recalculate worksheets.

Users can access these buttons when working in IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel or with websheets in TM1® Web.

You can use an action button to perform any of the following tasks:
  • Run a TurboIntegrator process.
  • Navigate to another worksheet.
  • Run a TurboIntegrator process and then navigate to another worksheet.
  • Recalculate a worksheet or rebuild a TM1 Dynamic Report in a worksheet.

For example, suppose that you have a workbook containing many worksheets. The workbook is large and you want to make it easier to use and to maintain.

You can place action buttons on the first sheet to enable users to navigate quickly to the worksheets within the book. You can also configure the action buttons to navigate to a worksheet and then recalculate it.

You can also create a worksheet with action buttons to run the TurboIntegrator processes you use to maintain the reports in the workbook, for example.

You can also use an action button on a worksheet with a Dynamic Report to rebuild the report.