Use the rules editor in Planning Analytics Workspace

These features help you create and manage rules in the Planning Analytics Workspace rules editor.

Open the rules editor in a separate window

To open an the editor in a separate window, click Open tab in floating window open tab in floating window.

For more information, see Open editors in a separate window.


You can use the CTRL+SPACE keystroke combination to choose from a list of applicable items in the rules editor. If you use CTRL+SPACE after typing one or more characters of an object name, the list presents all items that match the characters you typed.

When you use the auto-completion keystroke combination within an area definition (inside [ ] brackets) or formula component of a rule statement, you are presented with valid selections.

If the space within the brackets is empty, auto-completion presents a list of all dimensions and members that are part of the cube that is associated with the rule. Dimensions are listed first in alphabetical order, followed by all members from all dimensions in alphabetical order. Members are not grouped according to the dimensions to which they belong.

A fully qualified member reference in an area definition or formula component contains three parts: a dimension specification, a hierarchy specification, and the member name.


If hierarchy support is not enabled in your database, the hierarchy specification is not necessary. All three parts are not necessary to create a member reference; it is usually sufficient to use the member name when the member name is unique across all dimension. However, if you are creating a fully qualified reference, auto-completion presents you with just the items that are relevant to the current partial reference.

For example, if you enter a dimension name in the area definition, then use the CTRL+SPACE keystroke combination, you see a list of the hierarchies and members that are part of the dimension.

Similarly, if your area definition includes a dimension name and a hierarchy name, you see a list of the members that are part of the hierarchy when you use the auto-completion feature.

If you begin entering a function name in the rules editor outside of an area definition or formula component, and then use the CTRL+SPACE keystroke combination, you can pick from a list of rules functions that match the characters you typed.

Auto-complete showing available rules functions

Function list

You can click the function icon on the rules editor to quickly insert a rules function into your business rules.

When you click the function icon, you see a list of function categories. Click a function category to see the available functions within the category, then click a function to insert it at the cursor in the rules editor.

The function is inserted with placeholders for required parameters. You must replace the placeholders with valid parameter values. For example, if you use the function list to insert the ATTRN function into your rules, you see this:

Example of the ATTRN function that shows placeholders for required parameters

You must replace the <<dimension>>, <<element>>, and <<attribute>> placeholders to successfully return a numeric attribute value with ATTRN.

Shortcut keys

There are many shortcut keys available in the rules editor. You can use these keys to edit statements, find and replace text, and navigate through the statements in the rules editor.

To see a full listing of shortcut key combinations, click Shortcuts icon, then click Display shortcut keys.

To hide the listing of shortcut keys, click Shortcuts icon, then click Hide shortcut keys.

Validation and error highlighting

Some errors in rules are identified in real-time as you create a rule. Others are identified only when the rule is fully validated when you save the rule or click the Validate business rules icon Validate business rules icon.

Errors in your rules are indicated by an error symbol rule error symbol next to the line number in which the error occurs.

You can hover over either the error symbol to view a description of the error.

Line wrapping

To enable or disable line wrapping in the editor, click Line wrap icon.

Text customization

To change the font and size of the text that is displayed in the rules editor, click Font selection icon, then select a font family and size.

Locate the rule in the Databases tree

You can click the Find in tree button Find in tree button to immediately locate the rule in the Databases tree.