Find data with the tree

The data tree shows all of the TM1® databases that are configured for Planning Analytics Workspace, and the available cubes, dimensions, hierarchies, sets, levels, views, and members. The data tree is hidden by default.

Find data with the tree in Planning Analytics Workspace

You can view the data tree while working in a book.

To display the data tree, click the Database icon on the vertical bar: database icon. When the tree is visible, you can click the Database icon to hide the tree.

Click the Settings menu Settings icon to manage the behavior of the data tree.

You can use the Display members option to determine if the Members node appears in the data tree under dimension hierarchies. When the option is enabled, the Members node is available, as in the following example.

Members node visible in the tree

When the option is disabled, the Members node is not available in the data tree.

To make it easier to locate an object within a long list of items in the data tree, you can now search at the node level.

When you expand the Cubes, Dimensions, Sets, Processes, Chores, or Control Objects:Cubes nodes in the data tree, you'll see a search box immediately below the node name. For example, here's what the search box looks like under the Cubes node.

Data tree node search

Start typing in the box to see the objects that contain your search string. The results are updated continuously as you enter characters.

Find data with the tree in Planning Analytics Workspace Classic

To show the data tree, click the show tree icon in the vertical bar: Show tree icon

To hide the tree, click the hide tree icon Hide tree icon

You can configure the number of levels that you see in the tree:

Click tree settings icon and change the Navigation depth to the level you want.

If you have limited the number of levels you see, and you want to see hidden levels in the tree, click the up arrow: Up arrow

You can make sure that the tree is always synchronized with the view that is currently selected on the screen, by checking the Always synchronize option in Tree settings.