
For each cube on the server, the}StatsByCube control cube tracks memory use, the number of populated string cells, populated numeric cells, stored calculated cells, fed cells, stored views, and other statistics.


The }StatsByCube cube contains the following dimensions:




This dimension contains the following measures:

Memory Used for Calculations

Memory Used for Feeders

Memory Used for Input Data

Memory Used for Views: Counts views that have been opened. Counts all views, whether private or public, regardless of user. This count is not dependent on who happens to be logged in.

Number of Fed Cells

Number of Populated Numeric Cells

Number of Populated String Cells

Number of Stored Calculated Cells

Number of Stored Views: Counts all views that have been opened, whether private or public, regardless of user. Includes all views that have been looked at.

Rule calculation cache miss rate: This measure reports cache efficiency for rules calculations, expressed as a percentage. A low cache miss rate indicates that cache is being used efficiently. As the reported cache miss rate increases, cache benefit diminishes. The cache miss rate is calculated with this expression: 100 * ( M / ( M + P ) ). M is the count of cache cell retrieval attempts that missed. P is the total number of populated numeric leaf cells in the cube.

Steps of Average Calculation: The average number of internal steps required to perform rule evaluation for the cube. This calculation can be directly compared to the CALCULATIONTHRESHOLD cube property that determines whether values are added to the rule calculation cache.

Total Memory Used


This dimension contains numeric elements for each cube on the server, plus the consolidated element Cubes Total, which is a consolidation of all clients.


See a description of the }TimeIntervals dimension in Control Dimensions.