Create a cube

You can create cubes when you are a Modeler or an Administrator. Cubes are created and stored on a specific database.

Create a cube in Planning Analytics Workspace

About this task

As of Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.75, cubes can be created only on a Modeling workbench. You cannot create a cube in a book.


  1. Open a Modeling workbench.
  2. Expand the Modeling tools menu, then click Create a cube.
    Create a cube option on the Modeling tools menu
  3. Select the database on which you want to create the cube.
  4. Enter a name for the cube.
    Cube creation dialog box showing Database and Cube name options
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the dimensions you want to include in the cube from the Dimensions list. When you select a dimension, it is added to the Selected list.
    Dimension selection screen of the cube creation process
  7. Optionally, you can change the order of dimensions in the cube by clicking a dimension handle and dragging it to a new position or by clicking the Up or Down arrow next to a dimension.
  8. Click Create to create the new cube.

Create a cube in in Planning Analytics Workspace Classic


  1. Make sure that you are in edit mode.
  2. In the Data tree, go to the database where you want to create the cube.
  3. Expand the database to show the dimensions, cubes, and other associated items.
  4. Right-click the Cubes group, then click Create cube.
  5. You can change the database where the cube is stored by selecting a database from the list in the Create cube dialog box. The current database is selected by default.
  6. On the Create cube dialog box, type a name for the cube.
    The cube name can contain spaces, but cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | ' ; ,
  7. In the Available dimensions list, select the dimensions to be included in the cube.

    Use CTRL+click (Windows) or CMD+click (Mac) to select multiple non-consecutive dimensions. Use SHIFT+click to select a consecutive group of dimensions.

  8. Click Move right arrow to move your selections to the Cube dimensions list.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 until all the dimensions you want are in the Cube dimensions list.

    If you want to remove any dimensions from the Cube dimensions list, select the dimension, then click Move left arrow.

  10. To change the position of a dimension within the cube, click the dimension in the Cube dimensions list, then click the Move up arrow or Move down arrow .

    The order of dimensions in a cube can impact system performance. To learn more, see Ordering Dimensions in a Cube in the TM1® Developer documentation.

  11. Click Create to create the cube.


A cube view is placed on the sheet so that you can check that the cube is correct.