Upload custom fonts

Administrators can upload custom fonts that can be used in views and text boxes.

You can upload the following file types: .tff (True Type), .otf (OpenType), .woff (Web Open Font Format), .eot (Embedded OpenType), .svg (Scalable Vector Graphics), and .woff2 (Web Open Font 2.0 Format).

Note: Not all font types are supported by all browsers. The font type works only if it is supported by the browser.

The font file naming convention is:

<family name>-<style identifiers>.<extension>

For example:

  • Exotic Custom Font-Thin.ttf
  • Exotic Custom Font-BoldItalic.ttf

This file name formatting enables font families to be grouped in the text properties.

Starting with Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.75, custom fonts can be displayed in websheets. To successfully display a custom font that has been uploaded to Planning Analytics Workspace in websheets, the font file name must exactly match the font name as defined in the font. For example, this font name is defined as My Company Font.

Example of a font definition showing the font name

The font file must be named My Company Font.otf to make the font available in websheets.

Uploaing custom fonts in Planning Analytics Workspace


  1. Click the Administration tile on the Planning Analytics Workspace Home page.
  2. Click the Excel and Customizations tile.
  3. Click the Fonts tab.
  4. Click the Upload Upload icon icon.
  5. Either drag the font file onto the Drag your font file here box, or click Tap to browse, and select the font file.
  6. Close any opened books and then reopen them.


The font is now available for selection in Text Properties.

Uploaing custom fonts in Planning Analytics Workspace Classic


  1. Click the Administration tile on the Planning Analytics Workspace Welcome page.
    Administration tile

    The Planning Analytics Administration page opens in a new web browser tab.

  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Add custom fonts.
  4. Either drag the font file onto the Drag your font file here box, or click Tap to browse, and select the font file.
  5. Close any opened books and then reopen them.


The font is now available for selection in Text Properties.