Create a custom theme

You can override the standard Planning Analytics Workspace theme with a custom theme that reflects your corporate branding. You can use a custom theme to modify the colors of the application bar and the navigation bar, set the corporate title that is shown on the home page. and specify an image to display on the home page.

About this task

A theme is defined in a .zip archive that contains a spec.json file and an images folder.

The spec.json file contains the branding instructions for a theme, most notably color definitions and image paths. The images folder contains the images that you want to display in the theme.

The total size of the .zip archive for a theme cannot exceed 32 MB, inclusive of any image files. The .zip archive name cannot include underscores ( _ ). Image file names cannot contain spaces.

If you are administering Planning Analytics Workspace Local with multiple environments, a new theme is created for the environment that is active when you initiate the theme creation or upload process.


  1. Click the Administration tile on the Planning Analytics Workspace home page.
  2. Click the Excel and Customizations tile on Planning Analytics Workspace cloud or the Customizations tile on Planning Analytics Workspace local .
  3. Click the Themes tab.
  4. Select the System default theme, then click Download.
    The theme archive named is downloaded to your Downloads directory. You use this theme as a template for a custom theme that specifies colors, images, and titles that reflect your corporate branding.
    Note: If you have previously defined a custom theme and want to modify it, you can select the existing theme and click Download. In this case, the .zip archive for the existing theme is downloaded to your Downloads directory.
  5. Extract the .zip archive to a location of your choice.

    After you extract the archive, you see two items: a spec.json file and an images folder.

    The spec.json file looks like this:

    	"name": "sample-theme",
    	"brandText":"Sample Theme",
    		"brandIcon": "sample-theme/images/brand.svg",
    		"favicon": this key is currently unsupported
    	"uiShellTheme": "dark",
    		"personalMenuBackground": "inherit"
  6. Add the image that you intend to reference in the spec.json file to the images folder. Images in themes can be .svg, .png, .jpg, or .jpeg format.
  7. Modify the key values in the spec.json file to specify the text, image, and colors you want to use in your theme. Colors are specified using hexadecimal color values.
    Table 1. Theme objects
    JSON key name Definition
    name The name for the theme. This name is displayed on the Themes tab of the Excel and Customizations page in Planning Analytics Workspace Administration. You cannot use the name System default, which is reserved for the system default theme.
    brandText The branding text to display on the Planning Analytics Workspace home page.
    brandIcon The branding image to display on the Planning Analytics Workspace home page. This image is displayed immediately prior and near the brandText.
    favicon Not currently supported.
    uiShellTheme Determines the appearance of items in the Home menu Home menu. Specify either light (carbon 10) or dark(carbon 100) background.
    appbarBackground Application bar background color. This color is applied to the entire application bar, both clickable and non-clickable regions.
    appbarForeground Application bar foreground color. This color is applied to text and icons on the application bar.

    This setting is not applied to the Switcher widget on the application bar. The Switcher displays a list of open items. The text of the Switcher always appears White.

    appbarSelectLine Application bar selection line color. This color is applied to the border that surrounds a selected or clicked item on the application bar.
    appbarPushButtonBackground Application bar push-button background color. This color is displayed when you hover or click an item on the application bar.
    navbarBackground Navigation bar background color. This color is applied to the entire navigation bar, both clickable and non-clickable regions.
    navbarForeground Navigation bar foreground color. This color is applied to text and icons on the navigation bar.
    navbarSelectLine Navigation bar selection line color. This color is applied to the bar that appears on a selected navigation bar item.
    navbarPushButtonBackground Navigation bar push-button background color. This background color is displayed when you click on an item on the application bar.
    personalMenuBackground Specifies the background color of the Personal menu icon User icon.

    Specify inherit to inherit the navbarBackground and navbarPushButtonBackground colors.

    See Application of theme keys in Planning Analytics Workspace for a graphical depiction of the application of theme keys in the user interface.

  8. Save your changes, then include both the modified spec.json file and the images folder in a new theme .zip archive.
  9. Click Add on the Themes tab.
  10. Drag the new theme .zip archive onto the Add theme box or click the link to navigate to the .zip archive on your file system.

    The new theme is now available on the Themes tab. You can activate the theme to see your customizations in Planning Analytics Workspace.