Add a summary calculation to a view

A summary calculation applies to all leaf members and all unexpanded consolidated members that are visible on a row or column. The calculation updates dynamically as you change the members visible in the view, by drilling down or rolling up consolidations, or by changing the set used in the view.

About this task

You can create summary calculations in Exploration (table) visualizations.

This video shows you how to add a summary calculation to a view

Video that demonstrates how to add a summary calculation to a view.


  1. Right-click a row or column label and click Summarize all.
    Optionally, you can type a name for the calculation.
  2. Click the calculation that you want to create.
    Displays the average value of the members.
    Displays the smallest value of the members.
    Displays the largest value of the members.
    Displays the median value of the members (the middle value). If there are an even number of values, it displays the average of the two middle values.
    Displays the total of the members.
    An aggregate calculation allows you to summarize values that can't simply be added up or averaged. For example, percentage or ratio values that are the result of a rule calculation.
    Aggregate displays the aggregate value of the members. This value is affected by whether a member has a C: level rule (a rule that applies to consolidated cells) associated with it or not. If the member has no C: level rule associated with it, Aggregate displays the sum. If the member has a C: level rule, the resulting value is the same as the consolidated member aggregating the same members. To use this feature, you must have IBM® Planning Analytics version 2.0.9 or later.
  3. Click OK.

Maximum and Sum

This example shows the result of applying the Maximum and Sum calculations to a view that contains a combination of leaf members, expanded consolidated members, and unexpanded consolidated members.

Example showing leaf members and unexpanded consolidated members in a view.

Here, Europe and Benelux are expanded consolidated members. The values for these members are excluded from the summary calculations.

Scandinavia is an unexpanded consolidated member, so its value is included in the summary calculation, as are the leaf members Belgium, Luxemburg, and Netherlands.

The Maximum calculation for Year returns 1808, the value for Scandinavia. Though both 46821 (Europe) and 2807 (Benelux) are greater than 1808, these values are excluded from the calculation because they are expanded consolidations.

Similarly, the Sum calculation for Year returns 4615, which is the sum of Scandinavia + Belgium + Luxemburg + Netherlands. (1808 + 1270 + 128 + 1409 = 4615) Both Europe and Benelux, the expanded consolidated members, are excluded from the calculation.