Upload files to a database with the action button

Use the Action Button's Allow file upload property to upload a file to a Planning Analytics database and run a process to use that file.

This can be helpful if you want to import data from a specific file into a view you are using.

When you configure an action button to run an existing process, selecting Allow file upload prompts you to upload a file when you click the action button.
Note: The process runs only if the file upload is successful.
To configure an Action Button to upload a file:
  1. In Edit mode, add an Action Button to your book.
  2. Select the Action Button and click Properties.
  3. On the Run Process tab, enable Run Process.
  4. Select the database on which the process resides.
  5. Select the process that you want to run.
  6. Select Allow file upload.
    Allow file upload property
  7. Click Set parameters to set the parameter values or configure user prompts that can be answered to set parameter values.

    When you select Allow file upload, a File control type parameter is added to the parameters. The File parameter passes the name of the uploaded file to the process parameter.

    You can select the File control type for the file name parameter in the process. While this is optional, using the File parameter is helpful when you want to support any file name as the data source for the process.

    File parameter for processes
    Note: By default, the Prompt User option is disabled for File control type.
  8. Select Refresh after execution if you want to refresh the current book after the process finishes running. The refresh updates any views, web sheets, visualizations, or selectors in the target book.

Now, when you click the Action Button to run the process, a File upload prompt displays.

File upload prompt

Select a file to upload and click Upload. After the file is uploaded successfully, the process starts to run.