Add pictures, media, and web pages

You can add pictures, media, and web pages to your Planning Analytics Workspace books. For example, you can add a company logo, and a video blog that explains results.

Note: You must have permission to use the content that you add. The content must be available from an address beginning with HTTPS, and the publisher of the content must allow it to be displayed in a frame.

There are two ways to add pictures, media, and web pages to your book: Insert content as a widget or copy and paste content.

Insert content as a widget:

The item that you want to add must be available from a URL. In a browser window, locate the item, and copy the URL (address).
  1. Open a book in Edit mode.
  2. Click the Widgets icon widget icon on the side bar.
  3. Under Standard, select the type of item you want to add (Image, Media, or Webpage).
  4. Paste the copied URL into the appropriate field.
    Adding an image, media, or web page

Copy and paste content:

You can copy and paste content directly into the book. The software automatically identifies the type of content you pasted and converts it to the appropriate widget.
  1. Locate the item that you want to add to the book and copy it. You can copy and paste:
    • Images from your computer, online images from your browser, and URLs for images (image files with .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, or .png extensions)
      Important: The image that you paste cannot be more than 200 KB in size.
    • URLs to media (such as online videos)
    • URLs to web pages
    • Text

      The text is pasted in plain text without any formatting. To format the text, select the text that you added and click Properties. Under Text details, you can select the font, font size, text color, style, and more.

  2. Open a book in Edit mode.
  3. Click anywhere in book and use CTRL+V (Windows or CMD+V (Apple Mac) to paste the copied content.

    When pasting content, make sure that any open dialog box is closed and focus is not on an input field (such as in a widget or in Properties).

After the item is added, click the item to reposition or resize it using its handles.

You can layer items on a sheet. For example, you might want to layer text on an image. When items are layered on a sheet, select an item and click Send to front Web page icon or Send to back Web page icon to change the order of the layered items.