Working with Data

Adding or editing data in the web client allows you to submit information to your datastore. To modify data, your system administrator must grant you access.

Data that you can edit has a white background. Read-only data has a gray background. If you are not the current owner, the data opens in a read-only view. To start adding or editing data, click Take Ownership Take ownership icon.

You can edit data only if it has a workflow state of Available Not started icon or Reserved Work in progress icon. The icons indicate the workflow state.

Ownership availability for a particular node can be changed depending on how the parent node is opened. For example, contributors and reviewers who open the parent node in IBM® Cognos® Insight are not able to take ownership of the node. See the TM1® Performance Modeler documentation and the Cognos Insight documentation for details on ownership and nodes.

After taking ownership, use the Release Release ownership icon icon to release the data so other people can use it . In Cognos TM1 Application Web, you must submit all nodes at the level at which you take ownership and you can only release ownership at the level you have taken ownership. For example, if you have taken ownership of a New England node, then decided that you wanted to submit an child node such as Massachusetts individually, you would first have to Release your ownership of the New England node, then take ownership of the Massachusetts node in order to submit only the Massachusetts node. You could then Release ownership of the Massachusetts node and re-take ownership of the New England node.

If you attempt to take ownership of a node that is currently owned by another user, the system can provide a warning message and offer the opportunity for the user to cancel out of taking ownership. Warning messages are configured by the administrator.