Book and visualization improvements

The properties available to manage all aspects of your books have been significantly expanded. The visualization types available to use in Planning Analytics Workspace have been updated to provide more and improved visualizations.


All objects in a book, such as explorations, visualizations, buttons, images, and text, can now be precisely managed using an expanded selection of properties.

When you select an object in a book and then click the Properties tab, you'll see an expanded list of properties that you can set to manage the object in your book. The properties available vary by object type, and the properties you're familiar with are still available, but new properties allow you to precisely manage the size, position, alignment, and appearance of all objects in a book.

General properties tab

You can also set Dashboard properties to manage the general appearance of your book.

Dashboard properties tab

Details on using these properties are provided in the individual topics that describe how to build and manage books. For more information, see Work in books and views.


The list of visualizations available in Planning Analytics Workspace has been expanded to include twenty five options.

New visualization selection

Explorations can be changed to visualizations in the same way you've always done it, but you can also place an empty visualization onto a book and use drop zones to build the visualization.

Visualization drop zones

You can drag and drop dimensions from the Data tree onto the Drag data here drop zones to build a visualization from scratch. Once the visualization is complete, you can manage the visualization using the Fields tab on a book. You can drag and drop dimensions to different fields to change the structure of your visualization or you can click a field to select a new member to use in your visualization.

For further details, see Visualizations.