Use the Modeling workbench to create and maintain your model (beta)

IBM Planning Analytics 2.0.64 introduces the modeling workbench as a beta feature. The modeling workbench is a dedicated modeling space optimized for all modeling activities.

To use the modeling workbench during the beta period, open the modeling perspective in your Planning Analytics Workspace environment. For example, https://<my_planning_analytics_url>/?perspective=modeling. Only users with the modeler or administrator role can create or edit workbenches.

modeling workbench

As you can see, the workbench efficiently presents all your modeling assets in a tabbed and sectioned layout.

You can use the modeling workbench to:
  • Create, edit, and delete any of these objects: dimensions, hierarchies, sets, processes, chores, and rules
  • Run processes and chores
  • Create and save cube views
  • Edit settings for cubes, dimensions, processes, and chores
  • Create drill processes, import data, import dimensions, reload/unload cubes
  • Reorder dimensions
  • Refresh security, set cell security

For details on using the modeling workbench, see Use the modeling workbench to create and manage your model.

We encourage you to provide feedback on your experience with the modeling workbench during the beta period. Please visit to share your thoughts.