Upgrade explorations to the new experience

An option to upgrade explorations (cube viewer) to the new experience is now available on the Features administration tab. The new experience interface offers numerous enhancements and improvements.

Upgrade to new experience exploration feature

When you enable this feature, all existing and new explorations in books use the new experience interface. Explorations that previously used the classic interface are converted to new experience but retain the look (colors and font) of the classic interface.

Upgrading explorations to the new interface also upgrades set editors but only those that are opened from the new experience exploration.

New set editor opened from new exploration

If you add a set editor as a widget to a book from the data tree, the set editor continues to use the classic interface.

Adding set editor from the data tree
Note: Enabling the upgrade feature, upgrades only the explorations in Planning Analytics Workspace books. Explorations and set editors in the modeling workbench and IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel are not changed.

A preview of the new experience exploration and set editor was released in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.71 and is also available on the Features administration tab. You can enable preview to explore the new experience interface and compare the new explorations with the classic ones before you upgrade.

For more information, see New experience view and set editor.