Use the new interface to manage chores involved with a specific process

Previously, when you opened the context (right-click) menu for a process in the Databases tree, you could click the Display chores involved option to open the Modify chores window. This window listed all of the chores that included the process. You could then use the Modify chores window to edit selected chores that included the process or delete the process from selected chores.

About this task

Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.79 simplifies chore management by presenting two distinct options when you open the context menu for a process in the Databases tree: Edit related chores and Remove from chores.

Edit related chores that involve a specific process


  1. Right-click the process on the Databases tree in a modeling workbench.
  2. Click Edit related chores. If the process is not included in any chores, you receive notification and can cancel the procedure. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  3. On the Edit chores window, select the chores you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit.

    Each of the chores you selected opens for editing on a separate tab on the modeling workbench.

Remove a specific process from selected chores


  1. Right-click the process on the Databases tree in a modeling workbench.
  2. Click Remove from chores. If the process is not included in any chores, you receive notification and can cancel the procedure. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  3. On the Remove chores window, select the chores from which you want to remove the process.
  4. Click Remove.
  5. Click Delete when prompted for confirmation of removal.