New properties and other changes for the Bullet visualization
The Bullet visualization is updated in this release to include several new properties and changes.
New categories slot
A new Categories slot under Fields lets you draw multiple bullets without the use of Repeat slots. The Categories slot allows additional sorting capabilities such as sorting by Target and Bar values.
Style gridlines, axes lines, and axes labels
Item axis properties and additional value axis properties are now available under Axis in Properties. You can style gridlines, axes lines, and axes titles and labels. You can also set value axis minimum and maximum values.
Padding properties
You can now set bullet and target marker padding under Chart in Properties.
You can also specify the thickness of the target marker. Target marker thickness is set to 4 px by default.
Zoom bar
Click Enable zoom bar under Chart to display a zoom bar in the visualization which allows you to scroll and focus on a smaller area of the visualization.
Manual range values
You can now specify minimum, mid, and maximum range values manually under the new Ranges section in Properties.