Express Logon Feature

The Express Logon Feature (ELF) allows a Personal Communications Telnet 3270 user to play a special macro, which securely logs the user onto a host application without the transmission of a host user ID and password pair. ELF supports plain Text Macro and VBScript both format. The host session must be configured for SSL with client authentication in order to play an ELF macro.

Correction of errors made while typing is not supported. Re-record the macro to correct errors.

To record an Express Logon Feature macro:
  1. Select the Macro file format of recording.
  2. Check the Express Logon for Macro Enable box.
  3. Enter the Application ID for Express Logon.
  4. Follow this sequence when the host prompts you to type the user ID:
    1. Type the user ID.
    2. Type the password into the non-display password field.

      Only after typing the password should you type any additional data needed for logon.

    As the keystrokes that were recorded during the logon are saved in the ELF macro file, Personal Communications will attempt to identify and replace the user ID and password that you enter with the special placeholder strings )USR.ID( and )PSS.WD(. This automatic recognition requires that the password be typed into the first non-display input field. The user ID is assumed to have been entered just prior to the password.

During later playback of the macro, the ELF Application ID (stored in the macro) and the secured connection will be used to repeat the logon without the need for user ID and password.
Note: The user must have access to the application (APPL ID) as provided in the macro. If the user do not have access, then user must request TN3270 host administrator to grant access to the application ID.

Refer to the Administrator's Guide for more information about Express Logon.