Order Hub release notes

Resolved issues in Order Hub as part of the IBM® Sterling Order Management System version 24.1 and the subsequent minor updates.

5 July 2024 (Release 10.0.2406.1 - )

Defect Case number Description
orderhub-ui-utils#1957 TS016524770
  • Problem: Inventory audit not working in Order Hub.
  • Fix: The problem only affects Order Hub customers that are still categorized as OMS+IV instead of OMS+SIP and have moved to IV v2. There was a piece of code that was not properly checking for no enterprise selection before trying to get a value for selected enterprise. The code was fixed to do proper safeguard for such scenario.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
orderhub-ui-utils#1922 TS016393071
  • Problem: Empty saved search dropdown on search results screen.
  • Fix: Order Hub saved search drop down was not screen reader accessible. The code was fixed to provide standard screen reader accessibility for the saved search dropdown across the Order Hub applications.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
orderhub-ui-utils#1920 TS016284252
  • Problem: Accessibility for search form labels.
  • Fix: Some Order Hub search form elements were not screen reader accessible. All elements in the search form were properly enabled for screen reader accessibility now.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
orderhub-ui-utils#1911 TS016351883
  • Problem: Save search functionality error due to character limit in Order Hub.
  • Fix: There was no character length check on the Order Hub code for saved search name. Code was added to verify the saved search name entered by the business user is shorter than the allowed backend limit.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
buc-app-workspace#1691 TS016338791
  • Problem: Cannot mark alert(s) as "in-progress" on alert details page.
  • Fix: Order Hub code was not updating the inbox key and thus not saving to the proper alert. Code was changed to update to the proper alert that was paginated through in the detail page.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-inventory#3859 TS016390053
  • Problem: Issue with dropdown opening upwards.
  • Fix: Set Carbon dropdown widget property of opening upwards to be false.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
buc-app-inventory#3935 TS016453881
  • Problem: Distribution group is disabled in inventory search.
  • Fix: Order Hub call to update list distribution groups mistakenly passed OwnerKey in the payload. To fix, the OwnerKey was removed from the payload when retrieving for distribution groups.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-order#7406 TS016472607
  • Problem: BOL is not preset for inbound shipment.
  • Fix: Order Hub had code to not display BOL from inbound shipments. To fix, the code was enhanced to show BOL for inbound shipments.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-order#7399 TS016447056
  • Problem: Seller attribute not available in inbound orders search results screen.
  • Fix: Order Hub code was enhanced to show Seller column in the inbound order search results table.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-order#7387 TS016213995
  • Problem: Search by does not support multiple nodes.
  • Fix: Order Hub search code was enhanced to support text search of node related elements for orders. A new search form type element called nodeQryType was added.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-exception#891 TS016446940
  • Problem: Exception details refresh issue.
  • Fix: Exception details data is not updated properly. To fix, added table refresh logic.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-exception#887 TS016330275
  • Problem: Issues with exceptions Save/Reprocess.
  • Fix: The problem was that once the exception was modified, a new exception got created. The exceptions array which tracks the list of exception for viewing details only knew about the initial exception keys. On initialize() after reprocessing, the new exception key couldn't be found in the exceptions array. The fix, updates the exception key and exceptions array on clicking the exception in the history table to always remember which exception history is being selected currently.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-exception#878 TS016276555
  • Problem: Exceptions search screen issue.
  • Fix: The styling issue in exception search screen was fixed.
  • Files changed:
shell-on-prem#511 TS016170918
  • Problem: Ability to tab through shell navigation menus using keyboard.
  • Fix: Not able to tab through the shell menu items in the submenus. Fixed the issue by adding proper tabindex into the submenus.
  • Files changed: Internal library files

7 June 2024 (Release 10.0.2406.0 - )

Defect Case number Description
orderhub-ui-utils#1881 TS016276344
  • Problem: Issue with custom date range buttons.
  • Fix: The underlying problem was with the actual number component from Carbon Angular. To fix, Order Hub moved up to the Carbon Angular version that contains the fix which is 4.75.7.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
buc-app-setting#2190 TS016311646
  • Problem: Default product class setting in display settings is not working.
  • Fix: Order Hub code to check for default product class and unit of measure was not working properly under certain conditions. To fix, the code was enhanced to have a fallback look up path when these conditions happen.
  • Files changed: Internal library files
buc-app-inventory#3698 TS015711430
  • Problem: Not showing inventory in a SIM-enabled store.
  • Fix: SIM enabled nodes should only be allowed to adjust inventory using the store application. Order Hub mistakenly allowed the adjust inventory action. To fix, Order Hub now detects if the node is enabled for SIM and blocks the adjust inventory action accordingly.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-inventory#3821 TS016300648
  • Problem: Inventory item details page hung if selecting a distribution group with 2000+ nodes.
  • Fix: The current Order Hub inventory screen design has some limitation when it comes to displaying the supplies and expired quantity for large distribution groups. Unfortunately, some of the mentioned data can only be retrieved by N number of API calls based on the number of nodes inside the distribution group. To fix, Order Hub is going to limit the display of certain elements to distribution groups and node selection that are less than 500 nodes. If larger than 500 nodes, then the summary tab and expired quantity column will not be able to render but the rest of the page will still be fully functional.
  • Files changed:
buc-app-inventory#3822 TS016311611
  • Problem: After saving display settings to show/hide PC and UOM, visiting inventory screen show errors.
  • Fix: The problem was caused by the update tenant properties code that after the update not all the properties were saved properly to the cache. There were about five properties not saved to cache and thus caused undesired behaviour all around. To fix, we ensure that all missing properties are properly inserted into the cache after a settings update.
  • Files changed: Internal library files