Route shipment

This time-triggered transaction is used to route shipments and belongs to the Outbound Shipment pipeline. It assigns the Carrier and Carrier Service codes for the shipment based on the Routing Guide configured.

The Route Shipment transaction either includes shipments in an existing load or creates a new load and includes the shipments in it.

Shipments can be consolidated to a load, only if the following conditions are met:

  • Expected Ship Date - The expected ship date of the shipments must be less than or equal to the must ship before date of the load.
  • Expected Load Departure Date - The expected load departure date must be less than or equal to the must ship before date of the shipments in the load.

    The must ship before date is a date computed for the load, based on all shipments present in the load. For example, if a load has three shipments with their must ship before dates as 12.22.2005, 12.12.2005, and 12.19.2005 respectively, then the must ship before date of the load is computed as 12.12.2005, as it is the earliest of the three dates.


The following are the attributes for this time-triggered transaction:

Table 1. Route shipment
Attribute Value
Base Transaction ID ROUTE_SHIPMENT.0001
Base Document Type Order
Base Process Type ORDER_DELIVERY
Abstract Transaction No
APIs Called None
User Exits Called com.yantra.ydm.japi.ue.YDMOverrideDetermineRoutingUE


Criteria parameters

The following are the criteria parameters for this transaction:

Table 2. Route shipment criteria parameters
Parameter Description
Action Required. Triggers the transaction. If left blank, it defaults to Get, the only valid value.
Number of Records To Buffer Optional. Number of records to retrieve and process at one time. If left blank or specified as 0 (zero), it defaults to 5000.
Next Task Queue Interval Optional. Specifies in hours how long a failed task should be suspended before it is considered for reprocessing. Defaults to 5 hours.
ColonyID Required in a multischema deployment where YFS_SHIPMENT table may exist in multiple schemas. Runs the agent for the colony.
CollectPendingJobs If this parameter is set to N, the agent does not collect information on the pending jobs for this monitor. This pending job information is used for monitoring the monitor in the System Management Console.

Statistics tracked

The following statistics are tracked for this transaction:

Table 3. Route shipment statistics
Statistic Name Description
NumRouted Number of shipments routed.

Pending job count

For this transaction the pending job count is the number of records representing the unheld orders that are available to be processed by the transaction with the AVAILABLE_DATE value less than or equal to (<=) the current date value in the YFS_Task_Q table.

Events raised

The following events are raised by this time-triggered transaction:

Table 4. Events raised by the route shipment transaction
Transaction/Event Key Data Data Published Template Support?
ON_SUCCESS shipment_dbd.txt
ON_FAILURE shipment_dbd.txt

However, note that the template name would read <TransactionId>.ON_SUCCESS.xml.