Calculate capacity availability

Capacity is precomputed for a given node-date combination for each resource pool by the Calculate Capacity Availability transaction.

You must perform the following configurations for your node organizations:

Asynchronous capacity calculation

The asynchronous capacity calculation feature separates the capacity calculations from the transactional promising calls, by using a time-triggered agent that calculates the capacity upfront and stores in the YFS_CAPACITY_AVAILABILITY table from where the data can be read during promising calls, thereby enhancing the performance of the system.

When the CALCULATE_CAPACITY_AVAILABILITY agent runs according to the configured time-interval, the capacity is calculated as follows:
  1. The agent processes all types of resource pools that maintain capacity.
  2. It reads the capacity from transaction tables and generates capacity availability data for number of days that are specified by the Number of Days to Consider for Capacity Calculation rule.
  3. When a resource pool's capacity availability calculation is completed, the service invokes the ON_CAPACITY_AVAILABILITY_CALCULATION event.
  • The agent considers the parent-child relationship between the slots and calculates the capacity accordingly.
  • Capacity availability for non-working days is zero.
  • When the agent runs, the capacity availability generated for all days except the current date and a day prior to the current date is cleaned up.
  • The data in the YFS_CAPACITY_AVAILABILITY table is refreshed by the agent only. The agent must be run regularly to get the current and accurate capacity availability.

For more information about the APIs enhanced as part of this feature and to view the newly introduced tables, see the IBM Sterling Order Management: Javadoc.


The following are the attributes for this time-triggered transaction:

Table 1. Calculate Capacity Availability attributes
Attribute Value
Base Document Type General
Base Process Type General
Abstract Transaction No

Criteria parameters

The following are the criteria parameters for this transaction

Table 2. Calculate Capacity Availability criteria parameters
Parameter Description
Action Required. Triggers the transaction. If left blank, it defaults to Get, the only valid value.
Number of Records To Buffer Optional. Number of records to retrieve and process at one time. If left blank or specified as 0 (zero), it defaults to 5000.
CollectPendingJobs If this parameter is set to N, the agent does not collect information on the pending jobs for this monitor. This pending job information is used for monitoring the transaction in the System Management Console.
ColonyID Required in a multi schema deployment where a table may exist in multiple schemas. Runs the agent for the colony.
CapacityOrganizationCode Denotes the organization for which you want to run the agent.

Statistics tracked

NumCapAvailRecordsInserted, NumCapAvailRecordsUpdated, NumCapAvailRecordsDeleted

Pending job count


Events raised

The following events are raised by this time-triggered transaction:

Table 3. Events raised by the calculate capacity availability transaction
Transaction/Event Key Data Data Published* Template Support?
* These files are located in the following directory:
