Modifying price override reasons

You can modify price override reasons using the Price Override Reasons window.


Note: During modification, if you enter invalid data in any editable field, the application will consider the previously saved value.
Note: The fields marked with * are mandatory.

  1. Navigate to the Price Override Reasons window. To navigate to the Price Override Reasons window, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling™ Business Center as an Enterprise Administrator. The Business Center home page opens.
    2. Click System Setup. The System Setup home page opens.
    3. Expand the Order menu, and click Price Override Reasons. The Price Override Reasons window opens.
  2. In the Price Override Reason Name field, click and modify the short description of the price override reason.
  3. In the Price Override Reason Description field, click and modify the detailed description of the price override reason.
  4. Click Save.