Node metrics page

The Node metrics page displays metrics and key performance indicators for one or multiple nodes in a simple table view. Metrics are measured based on the capacity unit of measure that is defined in your system.

Access the Node metrics page from various places within Order Hub.
  • From a workspace, within the Nodes section, click View all. For more information, see Workspace details.
  • From the Node search results page, select one or more checkboxes from the search results table and then click View metrics. For more information, see Searching for nodes.
  • From the workspaces page, click one of the Performance metrics, Shipment metrics, Shipment age, Shipment status duration, or Release status duration links.

The node metrics page has five tabs:

  • After metrics are enabled, the system begins capturing metrics and calculating KPIs. Depending on when the feature was enabled, you might not see a complete set of metrics when you change the time filter to Last 7 days or Last 30 days. For example, a complete set of metrics for Last 7 days is not available until seven days after the metrics feature was enabled.

    Also, if you request for IBM to temporarily disable metrics, then metrics are not gathered during the time it is disabled. Therefore, you might see gaps in the data when the metrics feature is reenabled.

  • The metrics are for sales orders by default. To view purchase order metrics, create a workspace that uses purchase orders as the document type, then from the workspace, click Node details or Node metrics.

Performance metrics

The Performance tab displays data about the performance of the nodes in table format. You can customize the table to include any of the following fields.

Node ID
The node ID.
Node name
The node name.
Fill rate
The percentage of units or releases that were fulfilled when compared to the total quantities that were sent to the node
Fill rate = Fulfilled within specified time filter ÷ (Backlog + Sent to node).
Utilization rate
The percentage of units or releases that were fulfilled when compared to the capacity available for the
Utilization rate = Fulfilled within specified time filter ÷ (Capacity within the time filter).
% SLA met
The percentage of shipments that were shipped on time (on or before the expected ship date), compared to the total number.
The unit of measure (units or releases). Administrators can set the capacity unit of measure in the Settings > Display settings page. For more information, see Configuring settings.
The number of shipments that are either not shipped or not picked up by the end of the specified time filter.
Shortage rate
The percentage of shipments with a shortage. The shortage rate percentage = Picked shipments with shortage ÷ Picked shipments.
SLA met
The number of shipments that were shipped (or picked up by the customer) on or before the expected ship date.
% SLA missed
The percentage of shipments that were shipped after the expected ship date, compared to the total number of shipments that are assigned to the node. The definition of shipped includes both pick and ship delivery methods.
SLA missed
The number of shipments that were shipped after the expected ship date.
The number of units or releases that the node can process during the specified time filter. The number that you see is derived from the daily capacities. For example, it is 10 AM. The node is open from 8 AM to 6 PM and capacity is 100 releases per day.
  • If the time filter is Today, the number that you see is the capacity for the day. In this example, the capacity is 100.
  • If the time filter is 7 days or 30 days, the capacity is the sum of the daily capacities for the last 7 or 30 days, not including today. In this example, the capacity for 7 days is 700.
If a node is not associated with any resource pools, or fulfillment methods (like Ship and Pickup) use different capacity units of measure, a dash (-) is displayed.
For more information about resource pools, see one of the following resources.
The number of units or releases that were unfulfilled before the start of the specified time filter.
Sent to node
The number of units or releases that were assigned to the node within the specified time filter.
The number of units or releases in orders that were fulfilled within the specified time filter. By default, fulfilled is where the status is Shipped or higher (status 3700 or higher) or Carried (status 1100.7777). IT developers can customize the statuses that are considered fulfilled. For more information, see Customizing statuses that are considered Fulfilled .
Picked shipments
The number of shipments that are on or past the Backroom pick in progress pipeline status.
Picked shipments with shortage
The number of shipments that include an order line that cannot be fulfilled due to an inventory shortage. Order line shortages consider shortages that are recorded during backroom pick.

You can take several actions from the Performance metrics page.

Customize the table display
Customize how the table appears by clicking the gear icon and then modifying the table configuration. You can select what fields to display and designate what order you want them to appear in the table. When done configuring, click Apply.
View node details
View the details for a specific node by clicking the node ID name or clicking the overflow menu icon and clicking View details.
Change capacity
Node capacity refers to the capacity of a node to fulfill orders. You can view the capacity that is defined for the node for a date range and modify the standard capacity of the node. Change capacity by clicking the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and clicking Change capacity. For more information, see Changing node capacity.
Reassign pending shipments
Reassign all pending shipments on the node to other available nodes. Reassign pending shipments by clicking the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and clicking Reassign pending shipments. For more information, see Reassigning pending shipments from the node details page.
Turn a node on or off
Turn a specific node on or off in one of two ways. You can click the node ID and toggle the Status either to Node on or Node off. You can also click the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and clicking either Turn on node or Turn off node.

Shipment metrics

The Shipment tab displays data about the number of shipments for each node in table format.

The shipment metrics are calculated from when an order was created. If wanted, you can override the default and calculate metrics from when a shipment was created by adding the yfs.sba.shipmentmetrics.from=ShipmentCreate property in the file.

Note: The Shipment tab is only available after version 10.0.2306.0 minor update 2.

You can customize the table to include any of the fields. For descriptions of the available fields, see Shipments: statuses.

If you have customized shipment status in your pipeline, you can include that data as other table columns. For more information, see Adding columns and actions to existing tables.

You can take several actions from the Shipment metrics page.

View shipment details
View more details about the shipments by clicking the numbers in the table. For example, clicking the number 6 in the Shipped column shows details about the six shipments that are fulfilled.
View node details
View the details for a specific node by clicking the node ID name or clicking the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and clicking View details.
Change capacity
Node capacity refers to the capacity of a node to fulfill orders. You can view the capacity that is defined for the node for a date range and modify the standard capacity of the node. Change capacity by clicking the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and clicking Change capacity. For more information, see Changing node capacity.
Reassign pending shipments
Reassign all pending shipments on the node to other available nodes. Reassign pending shipments by clicking the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and clicking Reassign pending shipments. For more information, see Reassigning pending shipments from the node details page.
Turn a node on or off
You can turn a specific node on or off in multiple ways. You can click the node ID and toggle the Status either to Node on or Node off. You can also click the overflow menu icon (Action icon) and click either Turn on node or Turn off node

Shipment age metrics

The Shipment age tab displays data about the age of shipments in days.

The shipment age metrics represent the duration in days from when an order was created to the current date. If wanted, you can override the default and calculate metrics from when a shipment was created by adding the yfs.sba.shipmentage.from=ShipmentCreate property in the file.

Note: The Shipment age tab is only available after version 10.0.2306.0 minor update 2.

You can customize the table to include any of the fields. For descriptions of the available fields, see Outbound shipment pipeline statuses.

If you have customized shipment status in your pipeline, you can include that data as other table columns. For more information, see Adding columns and actions to existing tables.

View more details about the shipments by clicking the numbers in the table. For example, clicking the number 6 in the Shipped column shows details about the six shipments that are fulfilled.

Shipment status duration metrics

The shipment status duration metrics show the number of hours that a shipment is in a particular status. You can use this information to identify issues and change the fulfillment workflow.

Note: The Shipment status duration tab is available only after version 10.0.2309.2.

Release status duration metrics

The release status duration metrics show the number of hours that a release is in a particular status. You can use this information to identify issues and change the fulfillment workflow. The term Releases refer to the total number of releases that are captured during the time frame.

Note: The Release status duration tab is available only after version 10.0.2309.2.