
Use the customer_overrides.properties file to override properties in xapirest.properties.*.

The xapirest.properties file allows the same configuration options as yifclient.properties and controls where XAPI calls take place. XAPI calls are set to LOCAL by default.

The following table lists custom configurations in xapirest.properties:

Property Values Description


false (Default)

If this property is set to true, JWT authentication for REST APIs is enabled.
  • For a given request, there can only be a single “Authorization” header with either “Basic” or “Bearer” scheme.
  • When this property is enabled and if the "Authorization" header in the incoming request contains a scheme "Bearer" with a non-blank token value, this token takes precedence for authentication over the existing conventional authentication options provided that use the servlet.authstyle property.
servlet.authstyle CONTAINER






CONTAINER requires a user to be authenticated by the application container with the userid specified by servlet.userid.

CONTAINER_USER requires a user to be authenticated by the application container by using the identified Principal name as the userid.

STANDARD requires passage of _loginid and _token parameters for authentication.

OPEN always authenticates the userid that is specified by servlet.userid without extra authentication.

EXTENDED uses servlet.ssomanager or yfs.login.singlesignon.class from yfs.properties for a custom SSO implementation.

BASIC calls the login API with the specified user and password in the request's Authorization header. No user token is created or returned.

servlet.userid userid Specifies a userid for making API calls. A userid must be set when servlet.authstyle is set to CONTAINER or OPEN.
servlet.ssomanager class Declares the implementation class of YCPSSOManager when servlet.authstyle is set to EXTENDED.


false (Default)

Allows PUT to be used to call Modify APIs if set to true. PUT behaves exactly like PATCH.
servlet.realm prompt A custom prompt that can be displayed during BASIC authentication.


false (Default)

If this property is set to true, Cross Original Resource Sharing (CORS) support in REST APIs is enabled. All the other CORS support properties are applicable only if this property is set to true.
servlet.cors.max.age Valid values = <number of seconds>

Default = 3600

Determines the time interval (in seconds) for which the results of preflight request are cached in a preflight results cache by the browser. It corresponds to the HTTP response header, “Access-Control-Max-Age”.

true (Default)


Indicates whether the browser is allowed to send credentials to the server. It corresponds to the HTTP response header, “Access-Control-Allow-Credentials”.
servlet.cors.allow.origin Valid values = <comma-separated values of host domains (protocol://hostname:[portno])>

Default = *

Determines the list of allowed host domains. It corresponds to the HTTP response header, “Access-Control-Allow-Origin”. The [portno] number is optional. This property can accept a single value of wildcard (*) to permit access for any origin.
Note: IBM® recommends not to use the default value of “*” in the production environment.
servlet.cors.expose.headers Valid values = <comma-separated values of HTTP headers>

Default is not set.

Determines the list of HTTP headers that can be accessed by a browser. It corresponds to the HTTP response header, “Access-Control-Expose-Headers”.
servlet.cors.allow.headers Valid values = <comma-separated values of HTTP headers> Determines the list of allowed HTTP headers. It corresponds to the HTTP response header, “Access-Control-Allow-Headers”. The value of this property is returned in the response to a preflight request. By default, the value of this property is same as the value of the incoming request header, “Access-Control-Request-Headers”.
servlet.cors.allow.methods Valid values = <comma-separated values of HTTP methods> Determines the list of allowed HTTP methods. It corresponds to the HTTP response header, “Access-Control-Allow-Methods”. The value of this property is returned in the response to a preflight request. By default, the value of this property is same as the value of the incoming request header, “Access-Control-Request-Method”.