Testing existing module customizations in Order Hub

After customizing an existing module, you can test the changes by configuring Order Hub to connect to your toolkit environment.

  1. Log in to Order Hub at https://www.supply-chain.ibm.com/order-management.
  2. Enable the Customizations menu in one of your tenants (or switch to an existing customization tenant). For more information, see Enabling the customization menu for a tenant.
  3. Select Settings > Customizations from the menu.
  4. Click Enable OOB module customization.
  5. Set the module that you customized to ON.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. If the local server is not running, start the server.
    yarn start-app
  8. Open a new tab and go to the following URL while replacing the <port> with the applicable port number for the module that you are customizing. For example, for the buc-app-order module, the default port number is 8300.
    Accept the certificate so that the customized module can load in Order Hub.
  9. Refresh the browser tab that is logged in to Order Hub. The menu item that you enabled for customization should now show in parenthesis (DEV mode). These menu items will now render from your local server instead of from Order Hub.
    Order menu includes the words DEV mode in parenthesis to indicate that those pages are being served from local server
  10. You can now test your customizations.
  11. If you want to test your customizations with a different OMS server than the server configured in your Order Hub tenant, update the <module-name>/packages/<route-name>/src-custom/environments/environment.ts file by adding the following information:
    import { BucSvcAngularStaticAppInfoFacadeUtil } from '@buc/svc-angular';
    // set url to the OMS app server
    // example url:  https://mydomain.mycompany.com:9443/smcfs
    Where host and port are the values of the OMS server's hostname and port number that you want to test.
  12. After you complete all testing, you can deploy the customizations to your tenants. For more information, see Deploying customizations for existing applications.