Common deployment issues

Some common problems can occur during the IBM UrbanCode Deploy deployment of IBM Sterling Order Management.

Table 1. Common deployment issues and resolutions
Issue Cause Fix
Deployment failure: Error starting workflow An error occurred when starting a workflow. A process might not start. The deployment fails with the following error:
Error starting workflow: The process could not start: 
This environment does not have any resources added to it. Add 
at least one base resource on the main environment page before 
requesting a process on it. 
Update the information in the Resources tab with the correct set of resources for this environment.
Deployment failure: Unable to find Docker image The deployment fails with an error similar to the following error:
Unable to find image 
Error response from daemon: invalid registry endpoint 
unable to ping registry endpoint 
v2 ping attempt failed with error: 
Get https://HN_OR_IP_ADDR_HERE:5000/v2/: dial tcp: 
lookup HN_OR_IP_ADDR_HERE: no such host
 v1 ping attempt failed with error: 
Get https://HN_OR_IP_ADDR_HERE:5000/v1/_ping: 
dial tcp: lookup HN_OR_IP_ADDR_HERE: no such host. If 
this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with 
an unknown CA certificate, please add 
`--insecure-registry HN_OR_IP_ADDR_HERE:5000` to the 
daemon's arguments. 
In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the 
registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply 
place the CA certificate at 
Exit Value: 1
Update the environment properties with the correct IP address for the image repository.
Deployment failure: Name already in use by a container A problem exists with the schema name. The name is already being used by a container. The deployment fails with an error similar to the following error:
Error response from daemon: Conflict. The name 
"db2schema" is already in use by container 3493cb206a6d. 
You have to delete (or rename) that container to be able 
to reuse that name.
A previous deployment failed and the container (in this example, DB2 container) was not cleaned up. The container must be removed before you start a new deployment.
Dockerize-v9.5-Images process or Publish Images process fails If you do not clear your environment of partially built images, you see an exception similar to the following exception:
[java] [java] Mon Feb 15 09:25:47 UTC 2016 :: ...
    Reading entity repository into memory from 
    /opt/ssfs/runtime/repository/entity...Mon Feb 15 
    09:25:49 UTC 2016 :: Colony Pool information 
    source is colony xml...
[java] [java] ...took 2,990 milliseconds
[java] [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.
    Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[java] [java] at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.noapp.
[java] [java] Caused by: java.lang.reflect.
[java] [java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    invoke0(Native Method)
[java] [java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
[java] [java] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.
[java] [java] at java.lang.reflect.Method.
[java] [java] at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.noapp.
[java] [java] Caused by: java.lang.reflect.
[java] [java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
    invoke0(Native Method)
[java] [java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
[java] [java] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.
[java] [java] at java.lang.reflect.Method.
[java] [java] at
[java] [java] at
[java] [java] ... 5 more
[java] [java] Caused by: <?xml version="1.0" 
[java] [java] <Errors>
[java] [java] <Error
[java] [java] ErrorCode="You must pass -colonyxml if 
    the database does 
[java] [java] not already contain colony and pool 
[java] [java] ErrorDescription="You must pass -colonyxml 
    if the database does not already contain colony and 
    pool configuration." ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="">
[java] [java] <Attribute Name="ErrorCode" Value="You must 
    pass -colonyxml if the database does not already 
    contain colony and pool configuration."/>
[java] [java] <Attribute Name="ErrorDescription" 
    Value="You must pass -colonyxml if the database does 
    not already contain colony and pool configuration."/>
[java] [java] <Stack>com.yantra.yfc.util.YFCException
[java] [java] at
[java] [java] at
If the Dockerize-v9.5-Images process or the Publish Images process fails, you need to clear your environment of any partially built Docker images before you run the Dockerize-v9.5-Images or Publish Images process again. To clear your environment, run the Reset Environment Inventory process to uninstall any partially built Docker images.
OMS installation fails while creating an OMS Runtime Docker image. The installer file is not accessible. Provide read access to the files to the ftpuser, or upload the files if they are not present.
The installer file path does not match the value defined in the environment properties. Provide the correct path in the environment property for the installer file.
The repository location in the response file does not match the path defined in the environment property -installFilesDir. The installer compressed (.zip) file is extracted at the location defined in the environment property installFilesDir. When you create the response file, the repository path needs to provided, which is the path for the repository.config file. This file is located under <zip>/disk1/foundation, so when it is extracted, its path is <installFilesDir>/<zipfoldername>/disk1/foundation.

For example, if installFilesDir = /tmp/omstmp and the compressed file =

When this compressed file is extracted at the installFilesDir location, the following path is created: /tmp/omstmp/OM_Enterprise_Launchpad/<zip contents>, and the repository location is /tmp/omstmp/OM_Enterprise_Launchpad/disk1/foundation.

The installerImagePath has an incorrect value. Verify the correct installer image path for Linux_86_64 after you extract the file.
"Server error: unexpected 500 response status trying to initiate upload of " error message when you try to push images to the image repository. The disk space is full on the Docker image registry. Clean up the file system to create some space.
Connection error while running yum as part of Docker image build. Occasional connection error.

Occasional connection issues with Docker.

Try running the failed application process again. If it still fails, then try restarting the Docker daemon and run the process again.
Docker: "tag" requires 2 arguments. Error when you tag images before you publish them to the image repository. An extra space exists at the end of the imageRepo property. For example: " " Correct the imageRepo property by removing the extra space or spaces.
Run Non-Enterprise Activator process failed. This process already ran. The Configure OMS as Promising Server process must be run once only. If this process is run again, the Run Non-Enterprise Activator step fails.
Connection error when you connect to the database from an Appserver container /Agent or Integration container. A connection issue exists between the hosts that are running these containers. Try resolving the connection issues between the hosts.
Firewall setting on the host for the DB container. Try adding the exceptions to the firewall for the DB server port on the host for the DB container.