Localize new bundleJavaScript entries for IBM Sterling Business Center

Updating your localized bundle js files with new entries that have been added in the English bundle js files after localization of the application is completed.

About this task

To update the bundle js files after installing the changes in the English bundle js files:


  1. Run the jsUtil tool to generate a fresh bundle-index.properties file to obtain the newly added English bundle entries. Navigate to the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin folder and run the following command:

    For Windows:

    sci_ant.cmd -f jsUtil.xml bundle.index

    For Linux/UNIX:

    ./sci_ant.sh -f jsUtil.xml bundle.index

    The bundle-index.properties file is generated in the localization_index directory.

  2. Compare the bundle-index.properties file generated in Step 1, and your localized bundle-index_<language>_<country or region>.properties file to determine the newly added entries. Translate the newly added entries and add them in your localized bundle-index_<language>_<country or region>.properties file.
  3. Run the jsUtil tool in map mode to regenerate the localized bundle js files from the updated bundle-index_<language>_<country or region>.properties file.

    Navigate to the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin folder and run the following command:

    For Windows:

    sci_ant.cmd -f jsUtil.xml bundle.map
    -Dindexfile=<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/localization_index/bundle-index_<language>_<country or region>.properties -Dwebcontentdepth=0

    For Linux/UNIX:

    ./sci_ant.sh -f jsUtil.xml bundle.map
    -Dindexfile=<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/localization_index/bundle-index_<language>_<country or region>.properties -Dwebcontentdepth=0

    For example, if you have localized to the French locale and the localization directory is <INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/localization_index, and the localized bundle-index.properties file is bundle-index_fr_FR.properties, you must run the following command:

    For Windows:

    sci_ant.cmd -f jsUtil.xml bundle.map
    -Dindexfile=<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/localization_index/bundle-index_fr_FR.properties -Dwebcontentdepth=0

    For Linux/UNIX:

    ./sci_ant.sh -f jsUtil.xml bundle.map
    -Dindexfile=<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/localization_index/bundle-index_fr_FR.properties -Dwebcontentdepth=0
  4. Regenerate the minified localized bundle js files.

    Navigate to the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin folder and run the following command:

    For Windows:

    sci_ant.cmd -f jsUtil.xml minify-js
    -DdestDir=<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/war -Dminify=true

    For Linux/UNIX:

    ./sci_ant.sh -f jsUtil.xml minify-js
    -DdestDir=<INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/sbc/war -Dminify=true
  5. Rebuild the EAR and re- deploy the application.

    For more information about rebuilding the EAR, refer to the Installing topicInstalling topic on the corresponding version of the Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite information center.