Sterling Order Management System Software file

Use the file to override properties in the file.

The following table describes the properties of the file.

Property Values Description
db.force.compression.tables Comma-separated table names Using force compression properties, you can configure compression-supported columns to compress data when size reaches the threshold limit.

Set this property to specify the table names where the columns to be compressed belong to. For each of the tables specified in the property, construct another property as db.force.compression.<table name>.columns to set the column names to enable compression.

Note: Tables that support compression columns can be set as a force compression table. If the columns to be compressed are in multiple tables, separate each table name by comma.
db.force.compression.<table name>.columns Comma-separated column names of tables To enable data compression for each table name that are specified in db.force.compression.tables, use the db.force.compression.<table name>.columns property, construct the properties, and set the column names of the respective tables.

If you want to compress a column in a table, specify the table name. If force compression tables are specified in the property, then for each of the tables, it is mandatory to provide column names as shown in the following example.

For example, to compress AUDIT_XML column of table YFS_ORDER_AUDIT_DETAIL, set properties as:

  • db.force.compression.tables=YFS_ORDER_AUDIT_DETAIL
  • db.force.compression.YFS_ORDER_AUDIT_DETAIL.columns=AUDIT_XML

When multiple columns of a table are to be compressed, separate each column by a comma.

db.force.compression.history.records The valid value is true Set this property to true to enable force data compression on all the compression-supported columns, when data is writing into history tables. By default, the property is considered as false.
yfs.purge.order.orderaudit.delete The valid value is true Set this property to skip purging of the order audit data to order audit history tables. When it is set to true, order audit data is deleted from the transaction table without moving to the history table and YFSBeforeOrderAuditPurgeUE is started before deletion, if the user exit is implemented.

By default, the property is considered as false and order audit data is purged and moved to order audit history tables.

yfs.transferPreparation.minTimeReq <number of hours>

Supported maximum value = 24 HRs

Default = 0

Set this property with the minimum time (hours) required for transfer preparation. This property is used by all promising and scheduling APIs.


yfs.NonAddressFields The valid value is AlternateEmailID, Beeper, DayFaxNo, DayPhone, Department, EMailID, EveningFaxNo, EveningPhone, given name, HttpUrl, JobTitle, surname, MiddleName, MobilePhone, OtherPhone, Suffix, or Title Enables you to change the value of any nonaddress field in the ship to address the of a sales order without requiring the creation of a new work order.

For example, yfs.NonAddressFields=given name, LastName, DayPhone, EMailID

This property is not handled in the Sterling Call Center user interface.

yfs.item.attrs.max.records.forquery Number of item attributes

Default = 100

This property determines the maximum number of item attributes that can be used when running pricing queries. If the number of attributes exceeds this value, attributes are evaluated in the API rather than in the query.

For example, yfs.item.attrs.max.records.forquery=100

yfs.setInvoiceCompleteForCancelledLines The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

Set the value of this property in the file as yfs.yfs.setInvoiceCompleteForCancelledLines=Y.

By setting the yfs.setInvoiceCompleteForCancelledLines property to Y, the Invoice_Complete parameter for canceled lines is set as Y and if order is completely invoiced it allows creation of debit memo in the system.

yfs.promotionrules.cache.disabled The valid values are yes or no

Default = no

Indicates whether pricing rule cache is disabled.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.promotionrules.cache.maxsize.toload <rule count number>

Default = 50000

Defines the maximum number of pricing rules to cache to the JVM.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.pricelistheader.cache.disabled The valid values are yes or no

Default = no

Indicates whether the price list for header cache is disabled.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.pricelistheader.cache.maxsize.toload <rule count number>

Default = 50000

Defines the maximum number of price list headers to cache to the JVM.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.ItemProperties.cache.disable The valid values are true or false

Default = false

Set this property to true if you do not want to use the cache.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.ItemProperties.cache.size <number of properties to cache>

Default = 10000

Defines the size of the cache.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
shard.ignoreDisabledColonies.<api_name> The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

When you set the value of this property to N, which is the default value, the API that is called displays an error if a colony in the sharded environment is disabled. When this property is set to Y, the API ignores any errors that are reported for the disabled colony and will return the output for the input criteria.





yfs.getatp.usejvmcache The valid values are true or false

Default = false

Set this property to true if you want to enable the JVM level cache for the getATP API.

Example: yfs.getatp.usejvmcache=true

yfs.solver.MaxChoiceFailures All positive numbers. For example, 1000
  • The cost-based optimization and optimization on the minimum shipment are optimized together.
  • The solver uses the value set as a limit to reject suboptimal solutions.
  • There is no default value for this property.
yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv Default = N A yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv property is introduced. By default the value for yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv is set to N. To enable the enhancement, set the property to Y in the file.

Enable this property in the processReturnOrder API to calculate the planned refund amount for the payment methods with configuration refund to the New Payment method. With planned refund amount populated for the payment methods, the application creates the refund charges without the return order invoice. By setting this property to Y suppresses the creation of refund charges until the return order invoice is created.

yfs.splitCTRWithSeqOnlyAndAllowSmallerBestMatch The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

Set the value of this property in the file as yfs.yfs.splitCTRWithSeqOnlyAndAllowSmallerBestMatch=Y.

If this property in the is set to "Y", The Charge Transaction Request (CTR) is sorted and grouped with ChargeTransactionRequestSequence only.

ycd.managePriceMatch.bcmode The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

If this property is set to Y, the managePriceMatch API does not update the linked orders automatically when a price match is approved.
yfs.pricing.pricerules.trackRoundedOffCentsDuringDistribution The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

If this property is set to Y, any gain or loss due to rounding off when distribution of percentage adjustments is done is tracked and adjusted on the next line. The effect of this behavior is more evident when all lines are of equal weight.
yfs.manageCustomer.create.businesscustomer.bcmode The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

When you create a business customer with the combination of OrganizationCode and Buyer Organization and set the value to Y, the error message is not displayed.
omp.holdtype.reprocess.interval.delayminutes <number of minutes>

Default = 15

Set the value of this property in the file as yfs.omp.holdtype.reprocess.interval.delayminutes=30.

This property enables you to override the default next task queue interval of the Process order hold type agent from 15 minutes to the customized value.

yfs.ignorePaymentEncryptionForPurgeAndRestore Default = N If you do not want the encryption logic to be applied during purge and restore for orders, set the value to Y.
yfs.solver.exploreMoreNodeDateOptions The valid values are true or false This property is used for optimization of cost and the number of shipments, in cases where the required quantity on an order line is not available at any single node. This property helps in exploring more options for solution generation, further improving the shipment suggestion.
ycd.ignorepickupstatus Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

This property controls whether the shipment status information is always displayed for PICK orders. If this property is set to Y, the Where is my shipment button in Sterling Call Center always displays the shipment information, regardless of the pipeline status. By default, the value of this property is set to "N".
yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider Comma-separated list of positive numbers This property tells Realtime Activity Based Monitor (RTAM), in the activity-based mode (01) to consider only specific activities for bundle items in a JVM. This property is JVM specific and therefore needs to be used with yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider in other JVMs.


Note: If you do not set this property in a JVM, by default, all the activities are processed. However, you cannot specify both the properties for a JVM.
yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude Comma-separated list of positive numbers This property tells Realtime Activity Based Monitor (RTAM), in the activity-based mode (01), to not consider specific activities for bundle items in a JVM. This property is JVM specific and therefore needs to be used with yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude in other JVMs.


Note: If you do not set this property in a JVM, by default, all the activities are processed. However, you cannot specify both the properties for a JVM.
yfs.bSkipADJForChangesInPartialInvDiscount The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

To skip the adjustment for invoice creation for chargeType discount in the partial invoice, in the file, set yfs.yfs.bSkipADJForChangesInPartialInvDiscount=Y.
yfs.servlet.requestvalidation.forced.urls Comma-separated list of servlet urls Set this property in or file to force request validation on InteropHttpServlet.
yfs.IntruptAfterMinutesMode The valid values are N, W, or E

Default = N

Set this property to warn or error out the promising API that is running for a long time. This property works along with yfs.IntruptAfterMinutes.
yfs.IntruptAfterMinutes The valid value is 0 and higher The wait time to end a promising API call after the configured minutes. The property works along with yfs.IntruptAfterMinutesMode.
yfs.IntruptModeForReadWrite The valid values are read, write, read-write The property works along with the yfs.IntruptAfterMinutesMode property. The default mode is read-write, which means the promising API, which can read, update, or both read and update honors the time tracking checkpoint for the fulfillment API.
yfs.solver.WarningOrExitOnIntrupt=<Char> The valid values are N, W, or E

Default = N

Set this property to enable warning or error for a long running solver process.
  • N - Do not take any action for long running solver process.
  • W - Warning occurs if the failure condition for time or objects goes beyond the configured number.
  • E - Error message when displayed terminates the process.
yfs.solver.IntruptAfterMinutes=<Integer> Default = 0 Set this property to an integer value to display an error or warning message, if the solver process is running from more then 'n' minutes.
yfs.solver.IntruptOnlyForRead= <Boolean> The valid values are true or false

Default = true

Set this property to display error or warning based on the API, whether read-only or read-write APIs.
  • true = control for read-only APIs.
  • false = control for both read-write APIs.
yfs.taskqueue.segregation.order The valid values are order line size, order attribute This property is to specify the task queue segregation behavior for the order entity. The two task queue segregation behaviors, order line size and order attribute are provided by the application for the order entity, with order line size being the default behavior.

If this property is not set or set to orderlinesize, then YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is populated based on the count of order lines and rules that defines the LARGE_ORDER_SIZE and VERY_LARGE_ORDER_SIZE attributes.

If this property is set to orderattribute, then you must define the attribute name in the yfs.taskqueue.segregation.order.orderattribute property.

For more information, see yfs.taskqueue.segregation.order.orderattribute property.

yfs.taskqueue.segregation.order.orderattribute The valid values are AllocationRuleID, AuthorizedClient, BuyerOrganizationCode, CarrierServiceCode, EnteredBy, EnterpriseCode, EntryType, OptimizationType, OrderPurpose, OrderType, PersonalizeCode, PriorityCode, PriorityNumber, SCAC, SearchCriteria1, SearchCriteria2, SellerOrganizationCode, ShipNode, VendorID, and extended columns of YFS_Order_Header entity. This property specifies XML name of the attribute when task queue segregation behavior for order entity is set to order attribute (yfs.taskqueue.segregation.order = orderattribute).

An attribute name is mandatory for the order attribute based segregation and it can be an out of the box attribute or an extended attribute, but must belong to the order entity. The FILTER_CRITERIA column of YFS_Task_Q table is populated with the value of the attribute.

yfs.taskqueue.segregation.order.disable The valid value is true Set this property to disable the task queue segregation behavior for the order entity. If this property is set to true, then YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is not populated.

If this property is not configured, then the default value is considered to be false.

yfs.taskqueue.segregation.release The valid values are release line size, release attribute This property is to specify the task queue segregation behavior for the order release entity. The two task queue segregation behaviors, release line size and release attribute are provided by the application for the order release entity, with release line size as the default behavior.

If this property is not set or set to releaselinesize, then YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is populated based on the count of order lines included in the order release and rules that define the LARGE_ORDER_SIZE and VERY_LARGE_ORDER_SIZE attributes.

If this property is set to releaseattribute, then you must define the attribute name in the yfs.taskqueue.segregation.release.releaseattribute property.

For more information, see yfs.taskqueue.segregation.release.release attribute property.

yfs.taskqueue.segregation.release.releaseattribute The valid values are BuyerOrganizationCode, CarrierServiceCode, EnterpriseCode, OrderType, PersonalizeCode, PriorityCode, SCAC, ShipNode, and SellerOrganizationCode This property specifies XML name of the attribute when task queue segregation behavior for order release entity is set to release attribute (yfs.taskqueue.segregation.release = releaseattribute). An attribute name is mandatory for release attribute based segregation and it can be an out of the box attribute, but must belong to the order release entity.

The FILTER_CRITERIA column of YFS_Task_Q table is populated with the value of the attribute.

yfs.taskqueue.segregation.release.disable The valid value is true Set this property to disable the task queue segregation behavior for the order release entity.

If this property is set to true, then YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is not populated.

If this property is not configured, then the default value is considered to be false.

yfs.taskq.filter.criteria.create.enable The valid value is false Set this property to enable or disable the task queue segregation behavior globally for the supported entities (order, order release) while creating a new Task_Q record.

If this property is set to false, then YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is not populated during creation of task queue records.

If yfs.taskq.filter.criteria.create.enable and yfs.taskq.filter.criteria.update.enable are set to false, then the column YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA is not populated and there are no changes made to Task_Q create or update behavior.

If this property is not configured, then the default value is considered to be true.

yfs.taskq.filter.criteria.update.enable The valid value is true Set this property to enable or disable the task queue segregation behavior globally for the supported entities (order, order release) while updating a Task_Q record.

If this property is set to true, then YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is populated when updating task queue records.

If yfs.taskq.filter.criteria.create.enable and yfs.taskq.filter.criteria.update.enable are set to false, then the YFS_TASK_Q.FILTER_CRITERIA column is not populated and there are no changes made to Task_Q create or update behavior.

If this property is not configured, then the default value is considered as false.

yfs.UseAggregatedReservationsForIV= <Boolean> The valid values are true or false

Default = false

You must enable this property to call Inventory Visibility reservation (IV) API from ReserveAvailableInventory API. The API will be aggregated for multiple promise lines, wherever applicable. If IV reservation calls cannot be aggregated, it will fall back to the existing logic of individual reservation.
Note: This property is applicable only for Inventory Visibility Phase 2 and later.
yfs.workorder.backorderAfterApptEndDate The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

Determine whether releaseOrder must backorder sales order product line (which is scheduled against a PO/TO and has work order associated to it) in case work order appointment has expired.
  • Y = Product line backorder.
  • N = No change to product line status.
yfs.payment.infiniteLoop.paymentHoldType <Valid payment hold type configured in the system> Enable this property to automatically hold the order when infinite loop detected exception is thrown by the system. It uses the hold type configured in this property to automatically hold the order.
yfs.payment.infiniteLoop.allowViewingOfOrder The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

If the API template has charge transaction attributes, the getOrderDetails API fails when infinite loop detected exception is thrown. Therefore, you cannot view the order in Order Hub or Application Console. Enable this property to Y to consider this exception. This allows the getOrderDetails API to complete successfully and you can view the order in Order Hub or Application Console.
yfs.payment.reason.enablePaymentAudit The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

When this property is enabled, it starts the payment data auditing in payment audit tables.
yfs.payment.reason.persistOrderDataDuringCreateOrder The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

Enable this property to start persisting data of header charges, header taxes, order lines along with its charges and taxes during create order.
yfs.payment.reason.clubChargesForSameReasonWithDifferetPaymentTypes The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

Enable this property to club the two or more charges for the same payment reason from different payment types in the XML output event for the payment collection event ON_REFUND_OR_SETLEMENT.
yfs.payment.asyncChargeStopAuthTillFundsCollected The valid values are Y or N

Default = N

Enable this property to stop the update of orders to authorized payment status before the funds are collected for asynchronous payment processing when Charge Instead Of Authorize configuration is done.