Use the file to override properties in the JMS category of

The following table contains JMS and descriptions.

Property Values Description
yfs.jms.sender.multiThreaded Valid values = true or false

Default = false

When set to false, messages are sent to the JMS queue in synchronized order. If there are large number of threads running for a server and send to the queue is not to be synchronized, set this property to true. Note that setting this property to true can cause an elevation in resource usage, so if this property is set to true and the number of threads sending messages to the queue is high, you should evaluate the impact of the increased resource usage.



yfs.jms.session.disable.pooling Valid values = Y, N

Default = Y

To disable JMS Session pooling, set this property to Y. For application servers, set this property to Y so that session pooling does not conflict with the application server session pooling. For agents and integration servers, set the property to N.

Example: yfs.jms.session.disable.pooling=N

yantra.jms.receive.timeout Valid values = <number of milliseconds>

Default = 1800000 milliseconds (30 minutes)

Specifies the JMS receive timeout value (in milliseconds). The JMS Receiver receives the next message that arrives within the specified timeout interval. The receive call blocks until a message arrives, the timeout expires, or this message consumer is closed. A timeout of zero never expires, and the call blocks indefinitely.

Example: yantra.jms.receive.timeout=180000

Note: If the default JMS server of Websphere is used, then the receive timeout interval must be set to 60000 milliseconds (1 minute).

Example: yantra.jms.receive.timeout=60000




Valid values = Y or N The flow overrides to override the JMS Security parameter values specified in the service definition framework. If this value is set to Y then the other two properties at left (userid and password) must be present, otherwise an error is thrown.


yfs.restrict.flowmessageid.lengthto24 Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

To restrict the length of correlating attributes, such as MESSAGEID and JMS-CORRELATION-ID, to 24 characters, set this property to Y.



yfs.sync.jms.request.timetolive.   JMS messages. Use this property to set the timetolive value for Synchronous JMS Messages. Note that, this property is a global level override and is applicable for all the services using Synchronous JMS. WARNING: If this property value is set beyond the responseTimeOut value, it may result in unprocessed request messages in the reply/response queue. By default, in order to clean up the un-processed messages from the reply/response queue, the timeToLive for request messages is set to the responseTimeOut value of the receiver.


meOut valueof the receiver>
sci.queuebasedsecurity.userid Valid values = <USER_ID> Set this property for queue-based security.


sci.queuebasedsecurity.userid=<user_id configured in the APPLICATION_SERVER and assigned to the queue>

sci.queuebasedsecurity.password Valid values = <PASSWORD> Set this property for queue-based security.


sci.queuebasedsecurity.password=<password for the user_id as configured in the APPLICATION_SERVER>

enable.db.check.before.jms.commit Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If this property is enabled and testOnReserveQuery is defined in, the system first checks if the database connection is active before committing the jms session associated with the context, and then finally commits the database connection.
jms.message.encoding <encoding type>

Default = UTF-8

Handles the encoding of message formats for JMS.

