
Use the file to override properties in the implementation category of

The following table contains implementation and descriptions:

Property Values Description
yfs.context.namespace Default is not set Prefix to add the JNDI name when performing an EJB lookup in the client API library. If not set, then no prefix is used.
yfs.api.history.disable Valid values = true or false

Default = false

This property controls access to history tables. If the value of this flag is set to “true”, access to the entire deployment's history tables is suppressed and the select, list, and count operations on history tables will return no data.
  • A select operation returns null.
  • A list operation returns an empty list.
  • A count operation returns a zero count.

Also, if update, delete, and insert operations are attempted on history tables, the system will throw an exception.

This property enables applications to suppress history so that the system can be started after upgrading transaction data, even before history upgrades are complete.

Example: yfs.api.history.disable = true

yfs.api.history.disable.colony.<colony_id> Valid values = <colony_id>,
true or false

Default = false

This property controls access to history tables for specific colonies, instead of disabling history access for the entire deployment. If this property is not set and the yfs.api.history.disable property is set to "true," access to all history tables is disabled for all database operations, such as insert, update, delete, executeBatch, selectwithwhere, and so forth.


If history access is to be disabled for a colony with the colony ID NewColony, the property should be set in the following way:

yfs.api.history.disable.colony.NewColony = true

yfs.api.output.namespace.enabled Valid values = true or false

Default = false

To set the output namespace on the API output, set the value to "true".

Example: yfs.api.output.namespace.enabled = true

yfs.comsupport Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

Indicates whether or not your system supports COM. If COM is enabled, you can configure actions to call COM objects.



yfs.purge.path Default is &APP_DIR;/logs This property must be set for the purge programs to run. It contains the absolute path to the directory where purge logs will be written.



log4j.configuration <Property Name>

Default = /resources/log4jconfig.xml

Property to handle logging. This property points to the location of the log4j configuration xml file.



CaseInsensitiveSearch.Mode Valid Values = DISABLED, ENABLED, or MIXED

Default = ENABLED

This property specifies the following configuration modes to enable or disable case insensitive search across entities.
  • Disabled: Search is case-insensitive. SEarch is done on the original column only.
  • Enabled: Search is case insensitive. Search is done on the shadow column, which is generated once this attribute is set.
  • Mixed: Search is done on both the original and shadow columns. This mode is useful only during data migration (while populating the shadow column).
Note: Mixed mode might have a negative impact on performance, hence it is recommended to not use mixed mode.

Though this mode is globally applicable across entities, it can be overridden at a particular entity or column level.

To enable case insensitivity at an entity level, use the format:




To enable case insensitivity at a column level, use the format:


Example: YFS_INBOX.ALERT_TYPE.CaseInsensitiveSearch.Mode=ENABLED

yfs.install.localecode <locale code>

Set to en_US_EST when Sterling Order Management System Software is delivered; If changes are necessary, this must be changed by the customer.

The installation locale code. To avoid timezone calculation errors, the locale code must match the OS default timezone where the database is installed. The locale code must also be same as the server's OS default timezone.



yfs.install.displaydoublequantity Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

This property should be set to "Y" if you want to support fractional quantities for attributes which belong to QUANTITY datatype.



yfs.file.encoding <Property name>

Default = UTF-8

This property controls the encoding of the files, like API template, theme XMLs, exception template (except e-mail templates which is controlled by


yfs.file.encoding=UTF-8 <number of records>

Default = 5000

This property sets the default number of records returned by Application list APIs. Increase the application server JVM heap settings if these parameters are increased. Change will affect search limits for all users.

Example: Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

Set this property to "Y" to enable the application to set contextual information (Agent, API name) on the connection. The information stamped on the connection can be viewed on the database connection by the tools provided by the database vendors. This allows mapping of the connection in the database to its origin on the application side. This is available only for Oracle and Db2®.


enable.resource.addition Valid values = true or false

Default = false

Set this property to "true" if you want to add new resources from the Applications Manager. .



yfs.uidev.refreshResources Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

This property can be set to "Y" when developing and customizing the Application Console UI.

When set to "Y", refresh actions will be available within the Resource Hierarchy tree. These actions can be used to refresh the resources used in the Console UI Framework without having to restart the application server.

If this property is not set to "Y", then the actions will be disabled, and it will be necessary to restart the application server whenever any resource is changed within the Applications Manager.

IMPORTANT: This property should NOT be set to "Y" for live production systems because the refresh only works for a single user development environment.



yantra.document.isnamespaceaware Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

This property should be set to Y to handle namespaces in XML.



Note: To run an API using HTTP API Tester, set the default namespace as <Order xmlns="" DocumentType="0001" EnterpriseCode="DEFAULT" />
yantra.document.suppress.huge.doc.alert Valid values = true or false

Default = false

Set this property to enable or disable printing a document that contains more than one million nodes.

If the value of this property is set to “true”, the document will not be printed, and instead, a "Please disable/set yantra.document.suppress.huge.doc.alerts to False to print the offending document with more than one million nodes" warning message will be displayed.

If set to “false”, the application will retain the default behavior.

com.yantra.ycp.em.server.taskpollingtime <number of seconds>

Default = 60

Set this property (in seconds) to indicate the interval at which tasks need to be polled for mobile operators.



OverrideTransitTime Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If both Request Delivery date and Request Ship date are passed, setting this property will compute the transit time as difference between these two dates, and no further transit time computation will be required.



yfs.install.applyshipdateoptimization Valid values = Y or N Set this property to "N" if allocation should not optimize releases based on ReqShipDate.



yfs.audit.user.session.activity Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y (audit enabled)

Set this property to enable auditing and disable auditing.



yfs.bundleProperties.multipleLoad=Y Default: locale is en_US When this property is set to N, the system will not create multiple entries for bundle literals for different locales. When trying to load literals for a given locale, if the properties file is not found for the locale, the system will use the default locale for string translations.
yfs.logall Valid values = Y or N

Default =N

Setting this property enables and disables verbose logging.


regionlist.match.zipcode.length Valid values = true or false

Default = false

If the value of this property is set to true, the getRegionList API filters the best match regions such that only those regions will be returned for which the length of the input zip code is same as the length of the "from" and "to" zip codes for a region.



yantra.charttransformer.allowscriptaccess Valid values = always or sameDomain or never

Default = sameDomain

Flash player accepts object parameters such as AllowScriptAccess. Set this property to change the default value for allowScriptAccess parameter as follows.
  • always: Always permit ActionScript-to-JavaScript calls.
  • sameDomain: Permit ActionScript-to-JavaScript calls only when the SWF and HTML pages belong to the same domain.
  • never: Never permit ActionScript-to-JavaScript calls.



yfs.custom.greex.functions <full package name of a greex class> Use this property to register custom Greex functions. Ensure that you use a comma-separated format to specify the full package name of a class that implements the com.yantra.ycp.greex.library.LibraryFunction interface.



yfs.waitforPIcommit Integer

Default = 3000

Use this property to specify the wait time for threads when the person info with same details is processed concurrently with two or more threads. This prevents the person info-related failures.


In the file set the value of this property as yfs.yfs.waitforPIcommit =<Integer>, for example,yfs.yfs.waitforPIcommit = 4000.

yfs.maxRetryWaitforPIcommit Integer

Default = 1

Use this property to specify the maximum number of times a thread should wait for the person info record to be committed in the database. This property works in conjunction with yfs.waitforPIcommit.


In the file set the value of this property as yfs.yfs.maxRetryWaitforPIcommit =<Integer>, for example yfs.yfs.maxRetryWaitforPIcommit = 2.