Close manifest

This time-triggered transaction sets the manifest's MANIFEST_CLOSED_FLAG flag to ‘Y' and updates the manifest status to CLOSED. This time-triggered transaction confirms all the shipments that are pending confirmation, and closes the manifest.

Note: If the Close Manifest Agent is triggered without any criteria, it closes all the candidate manifests across all ShipNodes.

The property in the file is used to set this time-triggered transaction to work in online or offline mode.

  • Online mode: In the online mode, the close manifest transaction runs as usual, confirming all shipments in the manifest and then closing the manifest.
  • Offline mode: In the offline mode, the close manifest transaction changes the manifest status to 'Closure Requested' and then triggers an agent. When the agent runs, it picks up manifests with status as 'Closure Requested' and then confirms either each shipment of the manifest, or closes the manifest, in an execution call.

The mode of operation (online or offline) is decided on the basis of the value specified for the property in the file. To override this property, add an entry for it in the <INSTALL_DIR>/properties/ file. For additional information about overriding properties using the file, see the Configuring Property Files topic.

The default out-of-the-box shipped property causes the Close Manifest transaction to run in online mode.

In instances where the Close Manifest transaction is run in offline mode, ensure that all Agent Criteria defined for the transaction are configured properly.


The following are the attributes for this time-triggered transaction:

Table 1. Close manifest attributes
Attribute Value
Base Transaction ID CLOSE_MANIFEST
Base Document Type General
Base Process Type Manifesting
Abstract Transaction No
APIs Called confirmShipment()

Criteria parameters

The following are the criteria parameters for this transaction:

Table 2. Close manifest criteria parameters
Parameter Description
Action Required. Triggers the transaction. If left blank, it defaults to Get, the only valid value.
Number of Records To Buffer Optional. Number of records to retrieve and process at one time. If left blank or specified as 0 (zero), it defaults to 5000.
AgentCriteriaGroup Optional. Used to classify nodes. This value can be accepted by Sterling Order Management System Software time-triggered transactions that only perform their tasks on the nodes with a matching node transactional velocity value.

Valid values are: LOW, HIGH, and any additional values defined by the Hub from Application Platform > System Administration > Agent Criteria Groups.

ShipNode Optional. Ship node for which the Close Manifest needs to be run. If not passed, then all ship nodes are monitored.
ColonyID Required in a sharded deployment where a table may exist in multiple schemas. Runs the agent for the colony.

Statistics tracked

The following are statistics are tracked for this transaction:

Table 3. Close manifest statistics
Statistic Name Description
NumShipmentsConfirmed Number of shipments confirmed.
NumManifestsClosed Number of manifests closed.
NumManifestsErrored Number of manifests errored.
NumShipmentsErrored Number of shipments errored.

Pending job count

For this transaction the pending job count is the sum of open manifests and shipments belonging to manifests (with MANIFEST_STATUS='1200').

Events raised

The following events are raised by this time-triggered transaction:

Table 4. Events raised by the close manifest transaction
Transaction/Event Key Data Data Published Template Support?
ON_SUCCESS manifest_dbd.txt