Loading factory setup data

About this task

Factory setup data includes configuration data, such as default pipeline definitions, common codes, service definitions, rules, error codes, and other supplied configuration data. The factory setup data for IBM® Sterling Order Management System Software is automatically loaded during product installation.

However, if you opt to not install factory setup data as part of the installation of the base product, and did not install any fix packs, you can run the loadFactoryDefaults script present in the runtime to apply the factory setup of all the Sterling Order Management System Software components including applications such as Sterling Call Center and Store. To load the Sterling Order Management System Software database factory setups manually, run the loadFactoryDefaults script applicable to your operating system, as explained in the following procedure:


From the command line, run the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/loadFactoryDefaults.sh command on UNIX and Linux® or the <INSTALL_DIR>\bin\loadFactoryDefaults.cmd command on Windows.
Note: If the factory default installation stops before it is finished, each package under <INSTALL_DIR>/repository/factorysetup contains a file named "installer.xml.restart". This file records the location where the installation was stopped, and it is used the next time the factory defaults are installed.


You can also generate audits when running the loadFactoryDefaults script by overriding the value of the AUDIT_LOAD_DEFAULTS property and setting it to true. By default, this property is set to false. To override the value of this property, add an entry for it in the sandbox.cfg file.